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已有 13366 次阅读 2015-11-5 09:55 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:教学心得| 数学评论, 数学主题分类, MSC2010, 数学文摘



       2010年7月6日,本人曾经写过“MSC2010分类号的变化、使用与下载”的博文,5年过去了,还是有新人不知道或者不习惯使用其对于数学或者应用数学论文(特别是被国际著名数据库收录的论文)进行分类,这种情况反映出我们的本科生教育、研究生教育中对于文献检索技巧培养,不能不说存在着严重缺陷。一个数学或者与数学相关专业的大学生及其以上学历的受教育者,如果你对于数学界的世界著名数据库——美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)和德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATH )以及其使用的数学主题分类不了解,本身就是一种悲哀!文献检索是人终身学习研究必备的一种技能,本科生应该掌握,研究生更应该熟练应用。由于受博文字数所限,今天对于5年前的博文——MSC2010分类号的变化、使用与下载”进行补充。

      MSC2010是2010年修订的数学主题分类(Mathematics Subject Classification,MSC),美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews,MR)和德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATH )编辑部已经决定从2010年6月开始使用新修订的2010版分类标准,详细情况请看下面的通告,也可以从以下网址直接下载MSC2010的pdf文档(正文114页)。笔者曾经得到MR当时执行总编辑的同意,将MSC2000翻译成中文,有MSC2000中译本的朋友们,可以通过美国数学会网站(http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/msc/msc2010.html),实现MSC2000 TO MSC2010或者MSC2010 TO MSC2000的转化,也可以直接下载MSC2010英文版(Download MSC2010).以下附属的参考表2是MSC2010分类号与MSC2000分类号的转化。本人2012年4月以来的数论文献最新题录(MR2015年10月份数论最新文献题录252条(见附件)),每月一次的统计结果就是利用11-Number Theory,通过MR数据库网络版MathSciNet检索所得。


Table 2  MSC2010 Classification Codes->MSC2000 Classification Codes





00-XX  General_
  00A09Popularization of mathematics00A06 00A08 
  00A65Mathematics and music00A06 00A69 
  00A66Mathematics and visual arts, visualization00A06 00A08 
  00A67Mathematics and architecture00A06 00A08 
  00B99None of the above, but in this section00Bxx 
01-XX  History and biography [See also the classification number –03 in the other sections]_
03-XX  Mathematical logic and foundations_
 03Axx Philosophical aspects of logic and foundations03A05 
  03A10Logic in the philosophy of science03A05 
  03A99None of the above, but in this section03A05 
  03B62Combined logics03B60 68T27 
  03C48Abstract elementary classes and related topics [See also 03C45]03C45 
  03D32Algorithmic randomness and dimension [See also 68Q30]03D80 68Q30 
  03D78Computation over the reals For constructive aspects, see 03F6003F60 68Q05 
  03E57Generic absoluteness and forcing axioms [See also 03E50]03E40 03E50 03E65 
  03G27Abstract algebraic logic03G25 
05-XX  Combinatorics For finite fields, see 11Txx_
  05C21Flows in graphs05C15 05C20 
  05C31Graph polynomials05C15 05C50 
  05C42Density (toughness, etc.)05C40 
  05C51Graph designs and isomomorphic decomposition [See also 05B30]05B30 05B05 
  05C57Games on graphs [See also 91A43, 91A46]91A43 05C90 
  05C63Infinite graphs05C99 05C25 
  05C72Fractional graph theory, fuzzy graph theory05C99 05C15 05C69 05C70 
  05C76Graph operations (line graphs, products, etc.)05C62 
  05C81Random walks on graphs05C80 
  05C82Small world graphs, complex networks [See also 90Bxx, 91D30]05C80 05C90 91D30 
  05E18Group actions on combinatorial structures05E20 
  05E40Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra05E15 05E20 05E25 
  05E45Combinatorial aspects of simplicial complexes05E25 05C25 05E99 
06-XX  Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures [See also 18B35]_
  06A75Generalizations of ordered sets06A06 
  06B75Generalizations of lattices06B05 06B99 
  06D75Other generalizations of distributive lattices06D05 06D99 
  06E75Generalizations of Boolean algebras06E05 06E99 
08-XX  General algebraic systems_
  08C20Natural dualities for classes of algebras [See also 06E15, 18A40, 22A30]08C05 08C99 
11-XX  Number theory_
  11B30Arithmetic combinatorics; higher degree uniformity11B13 11B75 11P70 
  11D07The Frobenius problem11D04 11D45 
  11F68Dirichlet series in several complex variables associated to automorphic forms; Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series11F66 11F67 
  11G32Dessins d'enfants, Bely? theory11G99 14G32 
  11G42Arithmetic mirror symmetry [See also 14J33]11G40 14J32 
  11J87Schmidt Subspace Theorem and applications11D75 11J25 
  11M32Multiple Dirichlet series and zeta functions and multizeta values11M41 
  11M50Relations with random matrices11M26 
  11M55Relations with noncommutative geometry11R56 58B34 
  11P84Partition identities; identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type11P81 11P82 
  11S82Non-Archimedean dynamical systems [See mainly 37Pxx]11S99 37Fxx 
 11Zxx Miscellaneous applications of number theory11Z05 
  11Z99None of the above, but in this section11Z05 
12-XX  Field theory and polynomials_
 12Yxx Computational aspects of field theory and polynomials12Y05 
  12Y99None of the above, but in this section12Y05 
13-XX  Commutative rings and algebras_
  13C60Module categories13C99 
  13D09Derived categories13C99 
  13F35Witt vectors and related rings13K05 
  13F60Cluster algebras13A99 
 13Gxx Integral domains13G05 
  13G99None of the above, but in this section13G05 
 13Lxx Applications of logic to commutative algebra [See also 03Cxx, 03Hxx]13L05 
  13L99None of the above, but in this section13L05 
  13P15Solving polynomial systems; resultants13P99 
  13P20Computational homological algebra [See also 13Dxx]13P99 
  13P25Applications of commutative algebra (e.g., to statistics, control theory, optimization, etc.)13P99 
14-XX  Algebraic geometry_
  14D23Stacks and moduli problems14A20 14D20 
  14D24Geometric Langlands program: algebro-geometric aspects [See also 22E57]14L99 
  14E16McKay correspondence14B05 
  14E18Arcs and motivic integration14B05 
  14F18Multiplier ideals14F99 14C20 
  14G17Positive characteristic ground fields14G99 
  14H57Dessins d'enfants theory For arithmetic aspects, see 11G3214H55 14G99 14H30 
  14J33Mirror symmetry [See also 11G42, 53D37]14J32 
  14M22Rationally connected varieties14M99 
  14M27Compactifications; symmetric and spherical varieties14M99 
 14Txx Tropical geometry [See also 12K10, 14M25, 14N10, 52B20]14P99 
  14T99None of the above, but in this section14P99 
15-XX  Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory_
 15Axx Basic linear algebra15-XX 
  15A16Matrix exponential and similar functions of matrices15A99 
  15A80Max-plus and related algebras15A99 
  15A83Matrix completion problems15A99 
  15A86Linear preserver problems15A04 
 15Bxx Special matrices15A57 
  15B05Toeplitz, Cauchy, and related matrices15A57 
  15B10Orthogonal matrices15A57 
  15B15Fuzzy matrices15A57 
  15B33Matrices over special rings (quaternions, finite fields, etc.)15A33 
  15B34Boolean and Hadamard matrices15A36 
  15B35Sign pattern matrices15A99 
  15B36Matrices of integers [See also 11C20]15A36 
  15B48Positive matrices and their generalizations; cones of matrices15A48 
  15B51Stochastic matrices15A51 
  15B52Random matrices15A52 
  15B57Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, and related matrices15A57 
  15B99None of the above, but in this section15A99 
16-XX  Associative rings and algebras For the commutative case, see 13-XX_
  16E35Derived categories16E99 
 16Hxx Algebras and orders For arithmetic aspects, see 11R52, 11R54, 11S45; for representation theory, see 16G3016H05 
  16H05Separable algebras (e.g., quaternion algebras, Azumaya algebras, etc.)_
  16H10Orders in separable algebras16H05 
  16H15Commutative orders16H05 
  16H20Lattices over orders16H05 
  16H99None of the above, but in this section16H05 
  16R60Functional identities16R99 
  16S85Rings of fractions and localizations [See also 13B30]16S90 
 16Txx Hopf algebras, quantum groups and related topics16W30 16W35 
  16T05Hopf algebras and their applications [See also 16S40, 57T05]16W30 
  16T15Coalgebras and comodules; corings16W30 
  16T20Ring-theoretic aspects of quantum groups [See also 17B37, 20G42, 81R50]16W35 
  16T25Yang-Baxter equations16W30 
  16T30Connections with combinatorics16W30 
  16T99None of the above, but in this section16W30 
 16Zxx Computational aspects of associative rings16Z05 
  16Z99None of the above, but in this section16Z05 
17-XX  Nonassociative rings and algebras_
  17B08Coadjoint orbits; nilpotent varieties14L30 17B20 
  17B22Root systems17B20 
18-XX  Category theory; homological algebra For commutative rings see 13Dxx, for associative rings 16Exx, for groups 20Jxx, for topological groups and related structures 57Txx; see also for algebraic topology_
19-XX  $K$K -theory [See also 16E20, 18F25]_
  19L50Twisted $K$K -theory; differential $K$K -theory19L64 19L99 
 19Mxx Miscellaneous applications of $K$K -theory19M05 
  19M99None of the above, but in this section19M05 
20-XX  Group theory and generalizations_
  20F11Groups of finite Morley rank [See also 03C45, 03C60]20E32 
  20F70Algebraic geometry over groups; equations over groups20F99 
  20G07Structure theory20G99 
  20G41Exceptional groups20G99 
  20G43Schur and $q$q -Schur algebras16S99 20G99 
  20G44Kac-Moody groups20G99 
 20Lxx Groupoids (i.e. small categories in which all morphisms are isomorphisms) For sets with a single binary operation, see 20N02; for topological groupoids, see 22A22, 58H0520L05 
  20L99None of the above, but in this section20L05 
  20M13Arithmetic theory of monoids20M99 
  20M32Algebraic monoids20M99 
 20Pxx Probabilistic methods in group theory [See also 60Bxx]20P05 
  20P99None of the above, but in this section20P05 
22-XX  Topological groups, Lie groups For transformation groups, see 54H15, 57Sxx, 58-XX. For abstract harmonic analysis, see 43-XX_
 22Cxx Compact groups22C05 
  22C99None of the above, but in this section22C05 
  22E57Geometric Langlands program: representation-theoretic aspects [See also 14D24]11R39 14D20 22E55 
  22E66Analysis on and representations of infinite-dimensional Lie groups22E65 
  22F99None of the above, but in this section22Fxx 
26-XX  Real functions [See also 54C30]_
  26E70Real analysis on time scales or measure chains For dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains see 34N0539A10 
28-XX  Measure and integration For analysis on manifolds, see 58-XX_
30-XX  Functions of a complex variable For analysis on manifolds, see 58-XX_
 30Hxx Spaces and algebras of analytic functions30H05 46Exx 46Jxx 
  30H05Bounded analytic functions30D50 46Exx 46Jxx 
  30H10Hardy spaces30D55 46E15 46E20 46E22 46E40 46J15 46J20 
  30H15Nevanlinna class and Smirnov class30D15 46E99 
  30H20Bergman spaces, Fock spaces30D60 46E20 46E22 46E40 
  30H25Besov spaces and $Q_p$Q_p -spaces30D60 46E15 46E20 46E22 46E35 
  30H30Bloch spaces30D45 46E15 
  30H35BMO-spaces30D60 46E15 
  30H50Algebras of analytic functions30H05 46J15 46J20 
  30H80Corona theorems30H05 46J15 
  30H99None of the above, but in this section30D99 
 30Jxx Function theory on the disc30D50 
  30J05Inner functions30D50 
  30J10Blaschke products30D50 
  30J15Singular inner functions30D50 
  30J99None of the above, but in this section30D99 
 30Kxx Universal holomorphic functions30B99 
  30K05Universal Taylor series30B99 30B10 
  30K10Universal Dirichlet series30B99 30B50 
  30K15Bounded universal functions30B99 
  30K20Compositional universality30B99 
  30K99None of the above, but in this section30B99 
 30Lxx Analysis on metric spaces30C65 46E35 
  30L05Geometric embeddings of metric spaces30C65 46B20 
  30L10Quasiconformal mappings in metric spaces30C65 
  30L99None of the above, but in this section30C99 
31-XX  Potential theory For probabilistic potential theory, see 60J45_
 31Dxx Axiomatic potential theory31D05 
  31D99None of the above, but in this section31D05 
 31Exx Potential theory on metric spaces31Cxx 46E35 
  31E05Potential theory on metric spaces31C05 46E35 
  31E99None of the above, but in this section31C99 46E35 
32-XX  Several complex variables and analytic spaces For infinite-dimensional holomorphy, see 46G20, 58B12_
 32Pxx Non-Archimedean analysis (should also be assigned at least one other classification number from Section 32 describing the type of problem)32P05 
  32P99None of the above, but in this section32P05 
  32Q26Notions of stability32Q15 32Q20 
33-XX  Special functions [(33-XX deals with the properties of functions as functions)} For orthogonal functions, see 42Cxx; for aspects of combinatorics see 05Axx; for number-theoretic aspects see 11-XX; for representation theory see 22Exx]_
34-XX  Ordinary differential equations_
  34A07Fuzzy differential equations34A12 34A60 34G25 
  34A08Fractional differential equations34A12 34Bxx 26A33 
  34A33Lattice differential equations34A12 34B45 34C15 34A35 37K60 37L60 
  34A38Hybrid systems34A12 93C23 
  34C46Multifrequency systems34C15 34C29 70K43 
  34D06Synchronization34Dxx 34K20 34K05 
  34E17Canard solutions34C05 34E15 34C26 
 34Fxx Equations and systems with randomness [See also 34K50, 60H10, 93E03]34F05 37H10 
  34F10Bifurcation34C23 34F05 34K18 37H20 
  34F15Resonance phenomena34F05 37J40 70J40 70K28 70K30 37H10 70L05 
  34F99None of the above, but in this section34F05 37H10 
 34Hxx Control problems [See also 49J15, 49K15, 93C15]34H05 
  34H10Chaos control34C28 37D45 37N35 
  34H15Stabilization34Dxx 93Dxx 
  34H20Bifurcation control34C23 34K18 
  34H99None of the above, but in this section34H05 34C23 
  34K08Spectral theory of functional-differential operators34Lxx 47E05 47G20 
  34K09Functional-differential inclusions34A60 34G25 34K05 
  34K21Stationary solutions34Dxx 34K20 
  34K27Perturbations34D10 34E10 
  34K31Lattice functional-differential equations34C15 34B45 37K60 37L60 
  34K32Implicit equations34A09 34K05 
  34K33Averaging34C29 37J40 70K65 
  34K34Hybrid systems34A12 93C23 
  34K36Fuzzy functional-differential equations34K05 34K06 34A60 34G25 
  34K37Functional-differential equations with fractional derivatives34K05 34K06 
  34K38Functional-differential inequalities34A40 34K05 
  34M03Linear equations and systems34Mxx 
  34M56Isomonodromic deformations34M55 37J35 
 34Nxx Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains For real analysis on time scales see 26E7039A10 39A11 
  34N05Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains For real analysis on time scales or measure chains, see 26E7039A10 39A11 
  34N99None of the above, but in this section39A10 39A11 
35-XX  Partial differential equations_
  35A01Existence problems: global existence, local existence, non-existence35A05 
  35A02Uniqueness problems: global uniqueness, local uniqueness, non-uniqueness35A05 
  35A09Classical solutions35A05 
  35A16Topological and monotonicity methods35A25 
  35A23Inequalities involving derivatives and differential and integral operators, inequalities for integrals35A25 26D10 
  35A24Methods of ordinary differential equations35A25 
  35B06Symmetries, invariants, etc.35B05 58J70 
  35B07Axially symmetric solutions35B05 
  35B08Entire solutions35B05 
  35B09Positive solutions35B05 
  35B36Pattern formation35B34 
  35B51Comparison principles35B05 
  35B53Liouville theorems, Phragmén-Lindelöf theorems35B40 
  35C06Self-similar solutions35C05 
  35C07Traveling wave solutions35C05 
  35C08Soliton solutions35Q51 
  35C09Trigonometric solutions35C05 
  35C11Polynomial solutions35C05 
  35D30Weak solutions35D05 
  35D35Strong solutions35D05 
  35D40Viscosity solutions35D05 
  35F16Initial-boundary value problems for linear first-order equations35F15 
  35F21Hamilton-Jacobi equations35F20 
  35F31Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear first-order equations35F30 
  35F35Linear first-order systems35F05 
  35F40Initial value problems for linear first-order systems35F10 
  35F45Boundary value problems for linear first-order systems35F15 
  35F46Initial-boundary value problems for linear first-order systems35F15 
  35F50Nonlinear first-order systems35F20 
  35F55Initial value problems for nonlinear first-order systems35F25 
  35F60Boundary value problems for nonlinear first-order systems35F30 
  35F61Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear first-order systems35F30 
  35G16Initial-boundary value problems for linear higher-order equations35G05 
  35G31Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order equations35G30 
  35G35Linear higher-order systems35G05 
  35G40Initial value problems for linear higher-order systems35G10 
  35G45Boundary value problems for linear higher-order systems35G15 
  35G46Initial-boundary value problems for linear higher-order systems35G15 
  35G50Nonlinear higher-order systems35G20 
  35G55Initial value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems35G25 
  35G60Boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems35G30 
  35G61Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems35G30 
  35J08Green's functions35A08 
  35J46First-order elliptic systems35F05 
  35J47Second-order elliptic systems35J15 35J45 
  35J48Higher-order elliptic systems35J30 35J45 
  35J56Boundary value problems for first-order elliptic systems35F15 
  35J57Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic systems35J25 
  35J58Boundary value problems for higher-order elliptic systems35J40 
  35J61Semilinear elliptic equations35J60 
  35J62Quasilinear elliptic equations35J60 
  35J66Nonlinear boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations35J65 
  35J75Singular elliptic equations35J60 
  35J86Linear elliptic unilateral problems and linear elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35J85 
  35J87Nonlinear elliptic unilateral problems and nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35J85 
  35J88Systems of elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35J85 
  35J91Semilinear elliptic equations with Laplacian, bi-Laplacian or poly-Laplacian35J60 
  35J92Quasilinear elliptic equations with $p$p -Laplacian35J60 
  35J93Quasilinear elliptic equations with mean curvature operator35J60 
  35J96Elliptic Monge-Ampère equations35J60 
  35K08Heat kernel35K05 
  35K41Higher-order parabolic systems35K25 35K40 
  35K45Initial value problems for second-order parabolic systems35K15 35K45 
  35K46Initial value problems for higher-order parabolic systems35K30 35K45 
  35K51Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic systems35K20 35K35 
  35K52Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order parabolic systems35K35 35K45 
  35K58Semilinear parabolic equations35K55 
  35K59Quasilinear parabolic equations35K55 
  35K61Nonlinear initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic equations35K60 
  35K67Singular parabolic equations35K55 
  35K86Nonlinear parabolic unilateral problems and nonlinear parabolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35K85 
  35K87Systems of parabolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35K85 
  35K91Semilinear parabolic equations with Laplacian, bi-Laplacian or poly-Laplacian35K55 
  35K92Quasilinear parabolic equations with $p$p -Laplacian35K55 
  35K93Quasilinear parabolic equations with mean curvature operator35K55 53C44 
  35K96Parabolic Monge-Ampère equations35K55 
  35L02First-order hyperbolic equations35L40 
  35L03Initial value problems for first-order hyperbolic equations35L45 
  35L04Initial-boundary value problems for first-order hyperbolic equations35L50 
  35L51Second-order hyperbolic systems35L10 
  35L52Initial value problems for second-order hyperbolic systems35L15 
  35L53Initial-boundary value problems for second-order hyperbolic systems35L20 
  35L56Initial value problems for higher-order hyperbolic systems35L30 
  35L57Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order hyperbolic systems35L35 
  35L71Semilinear second-order hyperbolic equations35L70 
  35L72Quasilinear second-order hyperbolic equations35L70 
  35L76Semilinear higher-order hyperbolic equations35L75 
  35L77Quasilinear higher-order hyperbolic equations35L75 
  35L81Singular hyperbolic equations35L70 
  35L86Nonlinear hyperbolic unilateral problems and nonlinear hyperbolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40]35L85 
  35L87Unilateral problems and variational inequalities for hyperbolic systems [See also 35R35, 49J40]35L85 
  35M11Initial value problems for equations of mixed type35M10 
  35M12Boundary value problems for equations of mixed type35M10 
  35M13Initial-boundary value problems for equations of mixed type35M10 
  35M30Systems of mixed type35M10 
  35M31Initial value problems for systems of mixed type35M10 
  35M32Boundary value problems for systems of mixed type35M10 
  35M33Initial-boundary value problems for systems of mixed type35M10 
  35M85Linear unilateral problems and variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40]35M10 
  35M86Nonlinear unilateral problems and nonlinear variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40]35M10 
  35M87Systems of variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40]35M10 
  35N20Overdetermined initial value problems35N05 
  35N25Overdetermined boundary value problems35N05 
  35N30Overdetermined initial-boundary value problems35N05 
  35Q20Boltzmann equations35F20 76P05 82C40 
  35Q31Euler equations [See also 76D05, 76D07, 76N10]35Q35 
  35Q41Time-dependent Schrödinger equations, Dirac equations35Q40 
  35Q56Ginzburg-Landau equations35Q60 
  35Q61Maxwell equations35Q60 
  35Q62PDEs in connection with statistics35Q80 
  35Q68PDEs in connection with computer science35Q80 
  35Q70PDEs in connection with mechanics of particles and systems35Q72 
  35Q74PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids35Q72 
  35Q76Einstein equations35Q75 
  35Q82PDEs in connection with statistical mechanics35Q80 
  35Q83Vlasov-like equations35F20 
  35Q84Fokker-Planck equations35K55 
  35Q85PDEs in connection with astronomy and astrophysics35Q80 
  35Q86PDEs in connection with geophysics35Q80 
  35Q90PDEs in connection with mathematical programming35Q80 
  35Q91PDEs in connection with game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences35Q80 
  35Q92PDEs in connection with biology and other natural sciences35Q80 
  35Q93PDEs in connection with control and optimization35B37 
  35Q94PDEs in connection with information and communication35Q80 
  35R01Partial differential equations on manifolds [See also 32Wxx, 53Cxx, 58Jxx]35R99 31C12 58Jxx 
  35R02Partial differential equations on graphs and networks (ramified or polygonal spaces)35R99 31C20 
  35R03Partial differential equations on Heisenberg groups, Lie groups, Carnot groups, etc.35R99 
  35R06Partial differential equations with measure35R05 
  35R09Integro-partial differential equations [See also 45Kxx]35R10 
  35R11Fractional partial differential equations35R10 26A33 
  35R13Fuzzy partial differential equations35R99 
  35R37Moving boundary problems35R35 
  35S11Initial-boundary value problems for pseudodifferential operators35S15 
37-XX  Dynamical systems and ergodic theory [See also 26A18, 28Dxx, 34Cxx, 34Dxx, 35Bxx, 46Lxx, 58Jxx, 70-XX]_
 37Pxx Arithmetic and non-Archimedean dynamical systems [See also 11S82, 37A45]11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P05Polynomial and rational maps11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P10Analytic and meromorphic maps11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P15Global ground fields11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P20Non-Archimedean local ground fields11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P25Finite ground fields11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P30Height functions; Green functions; invariant measures [See also 11G50, 14G40]11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P35Arithmetic properties of periodic points11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P40Non-Archimedean Fatou and Julia sets37F50 
  37P45Families and moduli spaces11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P50Dynamical systems on Berkovich spaces11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P55Arithmetic dynamics on general algebraic varieties11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
  37P99None of the above, but in this section11S99 37A45 37B10 37B99 37F10 
39-XX  Difference and functional equations_
  39A06Linear equations39A10 39A11 
  39A14Partial difference equations39A10 39A11 39A20 
  39A21Oscillation theory39A10 39A11 
  39A22Growth, boundedness, comparison of solutions39A10 39A11 
  39A23Periodic solutions39A10 39A11 37C25 37E05 
  39A24Almost periodic solutions39A10 39A11 
  39A28Bifurcation theory39A10 39A11 37E05 37Gxx 
  39A30Stability theory39A10 39A11 37B25 37C75 
  39A33Complex (chaotic) behavior of solutions39A10 39A11 37E05 37D45 
  39A45Equations in the complex domain39A10 39A11 
  39A50Stochastic difference equations39A10 39A11 37H10 
40-XX  Sequences, series, summability_
  40A35Ideal and statistical convergence [See also 40G15]40G99 
 40Bxx Multiple sequences and series40B05 
  40B99None of the above, but in this section40B05 
 40Fxx Absolute and strong summability (should also be assigned at least one other classification number in Section 40)40F05 
  40F99None of the above, but in this section40F05 
  40G15Summability methods using statistical convergence [See also 40A35]40G99 
 40Hxx Functional analytic methods in summability46A35 46A45 46B15 46B45 
  40H99None of the above, but in this section40H05 
 40Jxx Summability in abstract structures [See also 43A55, 46A35, 46B15]40J05 
  40J99None of the above, but in this section40J05 
41-XX  Approximations and expansions For all approximation theory in the complex domain, see~; for numerical approximation, see~65Dxx_
 41Axx Approximations and expansions For all approximation theory in the complex domain, see 30E05 and 30E10; for all trigonometric approximation and interpolation, see 42A10 and 42A15; for numerical approximation, see 65Dxx41-XX 
42-XX  Fourier analysis_
  42B37Harmonic analysis and PDE [See also 35-XX]32D50 35A25 35S30 43A85 
43-XX  Abstract harmonic analysis For other analysis on topological and Lie groups, see 22Exx_
 43Axx Abstract harmonic analysis For other analysis on topological and Lie groups, see 22Exx43-XX 
44-XX  Integral transforms, operational calculus For fractional derivatives and integrals, see 26A33. For Fourier transforms, see . For integral transforms in distribution spaces, see 46F12. For numerical methods, see 65R10_
 44Axx Integral transforms, operational calculus For fractional derivatives and integrals, see 26A33. For Fourier transforms, see 42A38, 42B10. For integral transforms in distribution spaces, see 46F12. For numerical methods, see 65R1044-XX 
45-XX  Integral equations_
 45Axx Linear integral equations45-XX 
  45A99None of the above, but in this section45A05 
 45Bxx Fredholm integral equations45B05 
  45B99None of the above, but in this section45B05 
 45Cxx Eigenvalue problems [See also 34Lxx, 35Pxx, 45P05, 47A75]47A75 47G10 47N20 
  45C99None of the above, but in this section45C05 
 45Dxx Volterra integral equations [See also 34A12]45D05 
  45D99None of the above, but in this section45D05 
  45G99None of the above, but in this section45G15 
 45Hxx Miscellaneous special kernels [See also 44A15]45H05 
  45H99None of the above, but in this section45H05 
 45Jxx Integro-ordinary differential equations [See also 34K05, 34K30, 47G20]47G20 
  45J99None of the above, but in this section45J05 
 45Kxx Integro-partial differential equations [See also 34K30, 35R09, 35R10, 47G20]45K05 
  45K99None of the above, but in this section45K05 
 45Lxx Theoretical approximation of solutions For numerical analysis, see 65Rxx45L05 
  45L99None of the above, but in this section45L05 
 45Nxx Abstract integral equations, integral equations in abstract spaces47N20 
  45N99None of the above, but in this section45N05 47N20 
 45Pxx Integral operators [See also 47B38, 47G10]45P05 47G10 
  45P99None of the above, but in this section45P05 47G10 
 45Qxx Inverse problems45Q05 
  45Q99None of the above, but in this section45Q05 
 45Rxx Random integral equations [See also 60H20]45R05 
  45R99None of the above, but in this section45R05 
46-XX  Functional analysis For manifolds modeled on topological linear spaces, see 57Nxx, 58Bxx_
  46B06Asymptotic theory of Banach spaces [See also 52A23]46B07 46B20 46B99 
  46B80Nonlinear classification of Banach spaces; nonlinear quotients46B03 46B20 46B99 46T99 
  46B85Embeddings of discrete metric spaces into Banach spaces; applications in topology and computer science [See also 05C12, 68Rxx]46B07 46B20 
  46L36Classification of factors46L10 46L35 
47-XX  Operator theory_
 47Exx Ordinary differential operators [See also 34Bxx, 34Lxx]47E05 
  47E99None of the above, but in this section47E05 
 47Fxx Partial differential operators [See also 35Pxx, 58Jxx]47F05 
  47F99None of the above, but in this section47F05 
  47G40Potential operators [See also 31-XX]47H50 
  47H08Measures of noncompactness and condensing mappings, $K$K -set contractions, etc.46A50 46B50 47H09 
  47H25Nonlinear ergodic theorems [See also 28Dxx, 37Axx, 47A35]47A35 47H09 47H10 47H20 
  47J22Variational and other types of inclusions [See also 34A60, 49J21, 49K21]47J20 49J40 
  47L22Ideals of polynomials and of multilinear mappings46G25 47H60 
49-XX  Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization [See also 34H05, 34K35, 65Kxx, 90Cxx, 93-XX]_
  49J21Optimal control problems involving relations other than differential equations49J22 49J24 
  49K21Problems involving relations other than differential equations49K22 49K24 
 49Rxx Variational methods for eigenvalues of operators [See also 47A75]49R50 
  49R99None of the above, but in this section49R50 
 49Sxx Variational principles of physics49S05 
  49S99None of the above, but in this section49S05 
51-XX  Geometry For algebraic geometry, see 14-XX_
 51Cxx Ring geometry (Hjelmslev, Barbilian, etc.)51C05 
  51C99None of the above, but in this section51C05 
 51Gxx Ordered geometries (ordered incidence structures, etc.)51G05 
  51G99None of the above, but in this section51G05 
 51Pxx Geometry and physics (should also be assigned at least one other classification number from Sections 70–86)51P05 
  51P99None of the above, but in this section51P05 
52-XX  Convex and discrete geometry_
  52A23Asymptotic theory of convex bodies [See also 46B06]52A20 52A27 52A40 46B07 46B20 
53-XX  Differential geometry For differential topology, see 57Rxx. For foundational questions of differentiable manifolds, see 58Axx_
  53C08Gerbes, differential characters: differential geometric aspects53C05 55R65 
  53D18Generalized geometries (à la Hitchin)53C26 53D17 
  53D37Mirror symmetry, symplectic aspects; homological mirror symmetry; Fukaya category [See also 14J33]14J32 52D35 
  53D42Symplectic field theory; contact homology53D35 
 53Zxx Applications to physics53Z05 
  53Z99None of the above, but in this section53Z05 
54-XX  General topology For the topology of manifolds of all dimensions, see 57Nxx_
 54Jxx Nonstandard topology [See also 03H05]54J05 
  54J99None of the above, but in this section54J05 
55-XX  Algebraic topology_
  55N32Orbifold cohomology55N35 57R19 
  55P50String topology55P35 57R19 
57-XX  Manifolds and cell complexes For complex manifolds, see 32Qxx_
  57R18Topology and geometry of orbifolds57R19 
58-XX  Global analysis, analysis on manifolds [See also FullScheme49Q15]_
  58J51Relations between spectral theory and ergodic theory, e.g. quantum unique ergodicity37A25 58J50 
 58Zxx Applications to physics58Z05 
  58Z99None of the above, but in this section58Z05 
60-XX  Probability theory and stochastic processes For additional applications, see 11Kxx, 62-XX, 90-XX, 91-XX, 92-XX, 93-XX, 94-XX_
  60A86Fuzzy probability03E72 28E10 60A05 60A10 60F99 
  60B20Random matrices (probabilistic aspects; for algebraic aspects see 15B52)15A52 46L53 60B11 82B44 82C44 
 60Cxx Combinatorial probability60C05 
  60C99None of the above, but in this section60C05 
 60Dxx Geometric probability and stochastic geometry [See also 52A22, 53C65]60D05 
  60D99None of the above, but in this section60D05 
  60G22Fractional processes, including fractional Brownian motion60G15 60G18 
  60J28Applications of continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces60J27 60J20 
  60J67Stochastic (Schramm-)Loewner evolution (SLE)60J65 60K35 82B31 82C31 
  60J68Superprocesses60J80 60G57 60J55 60J25 
62-XX  Statistics_
 62Axx Foundational and philosophical topics62A01 
  62A86Fuzzy analysis in statistics28A99 62A01 94D05 
  62A99None of the above, but in this section62A01 
  62B86Fuzziness, sufficiency, and information62B05 62B10 62B15 62B99 94D05 
  62C86Decision theory and fuzziness62C05 62C99 
 62Dxx Sampling theory, sample surveys62D05 
  62D99None of the above, but in this section62D05 
  62E86Fuzziness in connection with the topics on distributions in this section62E15 62E99 
  62F86Parametric inference and fuzziness62F03 62F10 62F12 62F15 62F99 
  62G86Nonparametric inference and fuzziness62G99 62G05 62G07 62G08 62G09 62G10 62G20 
  62H86Multivariate analysis and fuzziness03E72 60E05 62H05 62H20 62H25 62H30 68T10 
  62J86Fuzziness, and linear inference and regression03E72 62J02 62J05 62J99 
  62K86Fuzziness and design of experiments62K99 
  62L86Fuzziness and sequential methods62L99 
  62M86Inference from stochastic processes and fuzziness03E72 26E50 62M10 62M30 62M45 62M99 
  62N86Fuzziness, and survival analysis and censored data62N01 62N02 62N03 62N99 
 62Qxx Statistical tables62Q05 
  62Q99None of the above, but in this section62Q05 
65-XX  Numerical analysis_
 65Axx Tables65A05 
  65A99None of the above, but in this section65A05 
  65D19Computational issues in computer and robotic vision65D18 68T45 
 65Exx Numerical methods in complex analysis (potential theory, etc.) For numerical methods in conformal mapping, see also 30C3065E05 
  65E99None of the above, but in this section65E05 
  65F08Preconditioners for iterative methods65F10 
  65F60Matrix exponential and similar matrix functions65F30 
  65H04Roots of polynomial equations65H05 
  65J08Abstract evolution equations65J10 
  65K15Numerical methods for variational inequalities and related problems65K10 
  65L03Functional-differential equations65L05 
  65L04Stiff equations65L05 
  65L11Singularly perturbed problems65L10 
  65M08Finite volume methods65M06 
  65M22Solution of discretized equations [See also 65Fxx, 65Hxx]65M99 
  65M38Boundary element methods65M99 
  65M75Probabilistic methods, particle methods, etc.65M99 
  65M80Fundamental solutions, Green's function methods, etc.65M99 
  65M85Fictitious domain methods65M99 
  65N08Finite volume methods65N06 
  65N20Ill-posed problems65J20 
  65N75Probabilistic methods, particle methods, etc.65N99 
  65N80Fundamental solutions, Green's function methods, etc.65N99 
  65N85Fictitious domain methods65N99 
 65Qxx Difference and functional equations, recurrence relations65Q05 
  65Q10Difference equations65Q05 
  65Q20Functional equations65Q05 
  65Q30Recurrence relations65Q05 
  65Q99None of the above, but in this section65Q05 
 65Sxx Graphical methods65S05 
  65S99None of the above, but in this section65S05 
  65Y04Algorithms for computer arithmetic, etc. [See also 68M07]65Y99 
 65Zxx Applications to physics65Z05 
  65Z99None of the above, but in this section65Z05 
68-XX  Computer science For papers involving machine computations and programs in a specific mathematical area, see Section –04 in that area_
  68M11Internet topics [See also 68U35]68M10 68U35 
  68Q12Quantum algorithms and complexity [See also 68Q05, 81P68]68Q05 68Q15 81P68 68Q10 
  68Q87Probability in computer science (algorithm analysis, random structures, phase transitions, etc.) [See also 68W20, 68W40]68Q25 68W20 68W40 
  68T42Agent technology68T20 68T99 
  68W27Online algorithms68Q10 68W40 68W05 
  68W32Algorithms on strings68W05 
70-XX  Mechanics of particles and systems For relativistic mechanics, see~; for statistical mechanics, see~82-XX_
 70Axx Axiomatics, foundations70A05 
  70A99None of the above, but in this section70A05 
 70Cxx Statics70C20 
  70C99None of the above, but in this section70C20 
 70Lxx Random vibrations [See also 74H50]70L05 
  70L99None of the above, but in this section70L05 
 70Mxx Orbital mechanics70M20 
  70M99None of the above, but in this section70M20 
 70Pxx Variable mass, rockets70P05 
  70P99None of the above, but in this section70P05 
 70Qxx Control of mechanical systems [See also 60Gxx, 60Jxx]70Q05 
  70Q99None of the above, but in this section70Q05 
74-XX  Mechanics of deformable solids_
  74S60Stochastic methods74G15 74H15 74S30 
  74S70Complex variable methods74G05 74G15 74H05 74H15 74S30 
76-XX  Fluid mechanics For general continuum mechanics, see 74Axx, or other parts of 74-XX_
 76Gxx General aerodynamics and subsonic flows76G25 
  76G99None of the above, but in this section76G25 
 76Hxx Transonic flows76H05 
  76H99None of the above, but in this section76H05 
 76Jxx Supersonic flows76J20 
  76J99None of the above, but in this section76J20 
 76Kxx Hypersonic flows76K05 
  76K99None of the above, but in this section76K05 
 76Lxx Shock waves and blast waves [See also 35L67]76L05 
  76L99None of the above, but in this section76L05 
 76Pxx Rarefied gas flows, Boltzmann equation [See also 82B40, 82C40, 82D05]76P05 
  76P99None of the above, but in this section76P05 
 76Qxx Hydro- and aero-acoustics76Q05 
  76Q99None of the above, but in this section76Q05 
 76Sxx Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage76S05 
  76S99None of the above, but in this section76S05 
 76Uxx Rotating fluids76U05 
  76U99None of the above, but in this section76U05 
 76Vxx Reaction effects in flows [See also 80A32]76V05 
  76V99None of the above, but in this section76V05 
 76Wxx Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics76W05 
  76W99None of the above, but in this section76W05 
 76Xxx Ionized gas flow in electromagnetic fields; plasmic flow [See also 82D10]76X05 
  76X99None of the above, but in this section76X05 
 76Yxx Quantum hydrodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics [See also 82D50, 83C55, 85A30]76Y05 
  76Y99None of the above, but in this section76Y05 
78-XX  Optics, electromagnetic theory For quantum optics, see 81V80_
  78A37Ion traps78A55 
  78A57Electrochemistry92E10 92E99 
  78M12Finite volume methods, finite integration techniques78M25 
  78M16Multipole methods78M25 
  78M22Spectral methods78M25 
  78M31Monte Carlo methods78M25 
  78M32Neural and heuristic methods78M25 
  78M34Model reduction78M25 78M99 
80-XX  Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer For thermodynamics of solids, see 74A15_
81-XX  Quantum theory_
  81P16Quantum state spaces, operational and probabilistic concepts81P15 81S25 
  81P40Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations81P15 
  81P45Quantum information, communication, networks [See also 94A15, 94A17]81P68 
  81P50Quantum state estimation, approximate cloning46L60 46N50 81P15 
  81P70Quantum coding (general)81P68 94B60 
  81P94Quantum cryptography [See also 94A60]81P68 94A60 
  81Q12Non-selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory47N50 
  81Q35Quantum mechanics on special spaces: manifolds, fractals, graphs, etc.34B45 
  81Q37Quantum dots, waveguides, ratchets, etc.81Q50 81Q99 
  81Q65Alternative quantum mechanics81Q05 81Q99 
  81Q80Special quantum systems, such as solvable systems81Q05 81Q10 
  81Q93Quantum control81Q99 
  81S22Open systems, reduced dynamics, master equations, decoherence [See also 82C31]82C10 
  81T28Thermal quantum field theory [See also 82B30]81T99 
  81T55Casimir effect81T10 81T99 
  81U35Inelastic and multichannel scattering81U10 81U99 
  81V65Quantum dots [See also 82D20]81Q99 
82-XX  Statistical mechanics, structure of matter_
  82D77Quantum wave guides, quantum wires [See also 78A50]81Q99 82B10 82D20 
  82D80Nanostructures and nanoparticles74A25 74A60 74A99 
83-XX  Relativity and gravitational theory_
 83Axx Special relativity70H40 83A05 
  83A99None of the above, but in this section70H40 83A05 
 83Bxx Observational and experimental questions83B05 
  83B99None of the above, but in this section83B05 
 83Dxx Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's, including asymmetric field theories83D05 
  83D99None of the above, but in this section83D05 
 83Fxx Cosmology83F05 
  83F99None of the above, but in this section83F05 
85-XX  Astronomy and astrophysics For celestial mechanics, see 70F15_
 85Axx Astronomy and astrophysics For celestial mechanics, see 70F1585-XX 
86-XX  Geophysics [See also 76U05, 76V05]_
 86Axx Geophysics [See also 76U05, 76V05]86-XX 
90-XX  Operations research, mathematical programming_
91-XX  Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences_
  91B15Welfare economics91B14 91B18 
  91B25Asset pricing models91B28 
  91B51Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory91B50 91B52 91A15 
  91B55Economic dynamics91B62 91B64 91A25 
  91B69Heterogeneous agent models91B28 91B62 91B64 
  91B80Applications of statistical and quantum mechanics to economics (econophysics)91B99 91B82 
 91Gxx Mathematical finance91B28 
  91G10Portfolio theory91B28 
  91G20Derivative securities91B28 
  91G30Interest rates (stochastic models)91B28 91B70 
  91G40Credit risk91B30 91B28 
  91G50Corporate finance91B28 
  91G60Numerical methods (including Monte Carlo methods)91B28 
  91G70Statistical methods, econometrics91B82 91B84 
  91G80Financial applications of other theories (stochastic control, calculus of variations, PDE, SPDE, dynamical systems)91B28 
  91G99None of the above, but in this section91B28 91B99 
92-XX  Biology and other natural sciences_
  92B25Biological rhythms and synchronization92C20 92C30 
  92C42Systems biology, networks92B05 92B20 
 92Fxx Other natural sciences (should also be assigned at least one other classification number in this section)92F05 
  92F99None of the above, but in this section92F05 
93-XX  Systems theory; control For optimal control, see 49-XX_
94-XX  Information and communication, circuits_
 94Dxx Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with questions of Section 94) [See also 03B52, 03E72, 28E10]94D05 
  94D99None of the above, but in this section94D05 
97-XX  Mathematics education_
  97A10Comprehensive works, reference books97-99 
  97A30History of mathematics and mathematics education [See also 01-XX]01-XX 
  97A50Bibliographies [See also 01-00]01A70 
  97A70Theses and postdoctoral theses97-02 
  97A99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
  97C10Comprehensive works97-99 
 97Exx Foundations of mathematics03A05 03Bxx 03Exx 
  97E10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97E20Philosophy and mathematics03A05 
  97E40Language of mathematics97-99 
  97E50Reasoning and proving in the mathematics classroom97-99 
  97E60Sets, relations, set theory03Exx 
  97E99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Fxx Arithmetic, number theory11-XX 
  97F10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97F20Pre-numerical stage, concept of numbers97-99 
  97F30Natural numbers97-99 
  97F40Integers, rational numbers97-99 
  97F50Real numbers, complex numbers97-99 
  97F60Number theory11Axx 
  97F70Measures and units97-99 
  97F80Ratio and proportion, percentages97-99 
  97F90Real life mathematics, practical arithmetic00A69 
  97F99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Gxx Geometry97-99 
  97G10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97G20Informal geometry97-99 
  97G30Areas and volumes97-99 
  97G40Plane and solid geometry97-99 
  97G50Transformation geometry97-99 
  97G60Plane and spherical trigonometry97-99 
  97G70Analytic geometry. Vector algebra15-XX 
  97G80Descriptive geometry97-99 
  97G99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Hxx Algebra15-XX 
  97H10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97H20Elementary algebra97-99 
  97H30Equations and inequalities97-99 
  97H40Groups, rings, fields20-XX 
  97H50Ordered algebraic structures97-99 
  97H60Linear algebra15-XX 
  97H99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Ixx Analysis97-99 
  97I10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97I20Mappings and functions97-99 
  97I30Sequences and series11Bxx 40Axx 
  97I40Differential calculus26A24 
  97I50Integral calculus26B15 
  97I60Functions of several variables26Bxx 
  97I70Functional equations39Bxx 
  97I80Complex analysis30-XX 
  97I99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Kxx Combinatorics, graph theory, probability theory, statistics05-XX 60-XX 62-XX 
  97K10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97K30Graph theory05Cxx 
  97K40Descriptive statistics62-XX 
  97K50Probability theory60-XX 
  97K60Distributions and stochastic processes60Exx 60Gxx 
  97K70Foundations and methodology of statistics62-XX 
  97K80Applied statistics62Pxx 
  97K99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Mxx Mathematical modeling, applications of mathematics93A30 00A69 
  97M10Modeling and interdisciplinarity97-99 
  97M20Mathematics in vocational training and career education97-99 
  97M30Financial and insurance mathematics91Bxx 
  97M40Operations research, economics91Bxx 
  97M50Physics, astronomy, technology, engineering70-XX 74-XX 76-XX 78-XX 80-XX 81-XX 83-XX 85-XX 86-XX 90-XX 93-XX 
  97M60Biology, chemistry, medicine92-XX 
  97M70Behavioral and social sciences91-XX 
  97M80Arts, music, language, architecture00A06 00A69 
  97M99None of the above, but in this section07-99 
 97Nxx Numerical mathematics65Nxx 
  97N10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97N20Rounding, estimation, theory of errors97-99 
  97N30Numerical algebra97-99 
  97N40Numerical analysis65Nxx 
  97N50Interpolation and approximation65Dxx 
  97N60Mathematical programming90Cxx 
  97N70Discrete mathematics05Cxx 68Rxx 
  97N80Mathematical software, computer programs90Cxx 
  97N99None of the above, but in this section97-99 
 97Pxx Computer science68-XX 
  97P10Comprehensive works97-99 
  97P20Theory of computer science68Pxx 68Qxx 
  97P30System software68Nxx 
  97P40Programming languages68N15 
  97P50Programming techniques68N17 68N18 68N19 
  97P70Computer science and society68-99 
  97P99None of the above, but in this section68-99 
 97Qxx Computer science education68-99 
  97Q10Comprehensive works68-99 
  97Q20Affective aspects in teaching computer science68-99 
  97Q30Cognitive processes68-99 
  97Q40Sociological aspects68-99 
  97Q60Teaching methods and classroom techniques68-99 
  97Q70Student assessment68-99 
  97Q80Teaching units68-99 
  97Q99None of the above, but in this section68-99 
 97Rxx Computer science applications68Uxx 
  97R10Comprehensive works, collections of programs97-99 
  97R20Applications in mathematics68U99 
  97R30Applications in sciences68U99 
  97R40Artificial intelligence68Txx 
  97R50Data bases, information systems68U35 
  97R60Computer graphics68U05 
  97R70User programs, administrative applications97-99 
  97R80Recreational computing97-99 
  97R99None of the above, but in this section97-99 


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