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MR2014-10-386 for Number Theory.pdf
今天介绍MR数据库2014年10月份收录情况,10月份MR数据库新增题录10767条,其中数论研究386条.现摘录其中部分列入以下(有些信息可能无法正确显示,可以根据题录号或者作者姓名,直接登录MathSciNet或者MathematicalReviews免费浏览页面进行搜索),更多信息请浏览附件(MR2014-10-386 for Number Theory.pdf,如果附件仍然无法正确显示数学公式,建议在"MathSciNet,Mathematical Reviews on the Web"进行浏览):
MR3254283 Lubicz, David; Robert, Damien A generalisation of Miller's algorithmand applications to pairing computations on abelian varieties. J.Symbolic Comput. 67(2015), 68–92.
MR3250515 Eum, Ick Sun; Koo, Ja Kyung The Riemann hypothesis and an upperbound of the divisor function for odd integers. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 421 (2015), no. 1, 917–924.
MR3260286 Fleig, Philipp; Kleinschmidt, Axel; Persson, Daniel Fourier expansions of Kac-MoodyEisenstein series and degenerate Whittaker vectors. Commun. NumberTheory Phys. 8(2014), no. 1, 41–100.
MR3259768 Rouse, Jeremy; Thorne, Frank On the existence of large degree Galoisrepresentations for fields of small discriminant. Pacific J. Math. 271 (2014), no. 1, 243–256.
MR3259683 Soydan, Gökhan Corrigendum to "On the Diophantineequation x2+7α⋅11β=yn'' [Miskolc Math.Notes, Vol. 13 (2012) No. 2, pp. 515–527.] [MR3002648]. Miskolc Math.Notes 15 (2014), no. 1,217.
MR3236651 Vuletescu, Victor LCK metrics on Oeljeklaus-Tomamanifolds versus Kronecker's theorem. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math.Roumanie (N.S.) 57(105)(2014), no. 2, 225–231.
MR3235544 Koshy, Thomas Pell and Pell-Lucas trees. Math.Sci. 39 (2014), no. 1,45–53.
MR3259045 Blomer, Valentin; Harcos, Gergely Addendum: Hybrid bounds for twisted L-functions [MR2431250]. J.Reine Angew. Math. 694(2014), 241–244.
MR3259042 Bringmann, Kathrin; Folsom, Amanda Almost harmonic Maass forms andKac-Wakimoto characters. J. Reine Angew. Math. 694 (2014), 179–202.
MR3259000 Qi, Feng; Guo, Bai-Ni Alternative proofs of a formula forBernoulli numbers in terms of Stirlingnumbers. Analysis (Berlin) 34 (2014), no. 3, 311–317.
MR3258618 Flicker, Yuval Z. Harmonic analysis on the Iwahori-Heckealgebra. Jpn. J. Math. 9 (2014), no. 2, 171–216.
MR3258616 Aubert, Anne-Marie; Baum, Paul; Plymen, Roger; Solleveld, Maarten Geometric structure in smooth dual andlocal Langlands conjecture. Jpn. J. Math. 9 (2014), no. 2, 99–136.
MR3256857 Boylan, Matthew; Brown, Kenny Hecke operators on certain subspaces ofintegral weight modular forms. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1909–1919.
MR3256856 Fisher, Tom; Newton, Rachel Computing the Cassels-Tate pairing onthe 3-Selmer group of an elliptic curve. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1881–1907.
MR3256855 Daughton, Austin A Hecke correspondence theorem forautomorphic integrals with infinite log-polynomial sum period functions. Int.J. Number Theory 10(2014), no. 7, 1857–1879.
MR3256854 Marcovecchio, Raffaele MultipleLegendre polynomials in diophantine approximation. Int. J. NumberTheory 10 (2014),no. 7, 1829–1855.
MR3256853 Gamzon, Adam Local torsion on abelian surfaces withreal multiplication by Q(5√). Int. J.Number Theory 10(2014), no. 7, 1807–1827.
MR3256852 Roe, David The 3-adic eigencurve at the boundaryof weight space. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1791–1806.
MR3256851 Mehta, Jay; Viswanadham, G. K. Quasi-uniqueness of the set of"Gaussian prime plus one's''. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1783–1790.
MR3256850 Byrnes, Alyssa; Jiu, Lin; Moll, Victor H.; Vignat, Christophe Recursion rules for the hypergeometriczeta function. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1761–1782.
MR3256849 Murty, M. Ram; Pasten, Hector Counting squarefree values ofpolynomials with error term. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1743–1760.
MR3256848 Komatsu, Takao; Szalay, László Balancing with binomial coefficients. Int.J. Number Theory 10(2014), no. 7, 1729–1742.
MR3256847 Monge, Maurizio A family of Eisenstein polynomialsgenerating totally ramified extensions, identification of extensions andconstruction of class fields. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1699–1727.
MR3256846 Bremner, Andrew; Choudhry, Ajai; Ulas, Maciej Constructions of diagonal quartic andsextic surfaces with infinitely many rational points. Int. J. NumberTheory 10 (2014),no. 7, 1675–1698.
MR3256845 Jha, Somnath; Pal, Aprameyo Algebraic functional equation for Hidafamily. Int. J. Number Theory10 (2014), no. 7, 1649–1674.
MR3256844 Zhang, Haiyan; Wang, Guoqing On the Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv invariant andzero-sum Ramsey number for intersecting families. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1637–1647.
MR3256843 Pacetti, Ariel; Tornaría, Gonzalo Shimura correspondence for level p2 and the centralvalues of L-series, II. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 7, 1595–1635.
MR3256708 Hoffman, Michael E.; Moen, Courtney Sums of generalized harmonic series. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A46, 11 pp.
MR3256706 Diffenderfer, James D. Building a better bijection between classes ofcompositions. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A44, 3 pp.
MR3256705 Brown, Tom; Jungić, Veselin; Poelstra, Andrew On double 3-term arithmeticprogressions.Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A43, 16 pp.
MR3256704 Holt, Benjamin V. Some general results and open questionson palintiple numbers. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A42, 13 pp.
MR3253885 Selvam, A. M. Universal characteristics of fractalfluctuations in prime number distribution. Int. J. Gen. Syst. 43 (2014), no. 8, 828–863.
MR3253322 Borisov, Alexander Corrigendum to "Quantum integersand cyclotomy'' [J. Number Theory 109 (1) (2004) 120–135] [MR2098480]. J.Number Theory 145(2014), 632–634.
MR3253321 Filipin, Alan; Fujita, Yasutsugu; Togbé, Alain The extendibility of Diophantine pairsII: Examples.J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 604–631.
MR3253319 Leal-Ruperto, José Luis On themagnitude of the Gaussian integer solutions of the Legendre equation. J.Number Theory 145(2014), 572–578.
MR3253317 Garaev, M. Z.; Konyagin, S. V. Multiplicative decomposition ofarithmetic progressions in prime fields. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 540–553.
MR3253316 Espinoza, Milton Signed Shintani cones for number fieldswith one complex place. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 496–539.
MR3253315 Le, Giang On the quantitative subspace theorem. J.Number Theory 145(2014), 474–495.
MR3253314 Ahn, Jeoung-Hwan; Kwon, Soun-Hi Some explicit zero-free regions forHecke L-functions. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 433–473.
MR3253312 Jędrzejak, Tomasz On the torsion of the Jacobians ofsuperelliptic curves yq=xp+a. J. NumberTheory 145 (2014),402–425.
MR3253311 Zhong, Ting; Tang, Liang The growth rate of the partialquotients in a class of continued fractions with parameters. J. NumberTheory 145 (2014),388–401.
MR3253310 Dauguet, Simon; Zudilin, Wadim On simultaneous diophantineapproximations to ζ(2) and ζ(3). J. NumberTheory 145 (2014),362–387.
MR3253309 Chatterjee, T.; Gun, S. On the zeros of generalized Hurwitzzeta functions. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 352–361.
MR3253308 Entin, Alexei Artin-Schreier L-functions and randomunitary matrices. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 340–351.
MR3253307 Gun, Sanoli; Saha, Ekata; Sinha, Sneh Bala Transcendence of generalizedEuler-Lehmer constants. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 329–339.
MR3253305 Guo, Victor J. W.; Zeng, Jiang Some q-analogues ofsupercongruences of Rodriguez-Villegas. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 301–316.
MR3253304 Baran, Burcu An exceptional isomorphism betweenmodular curves of level 13. J. Number Theory145 (2014), 273–300.
MR3253303 Wong, Siman Arithmetic of octahedral sextics. J.Number Theory 145(2014), 245–272.
MR3253302 Meher, Jaban; Tanabe, Naomi Sign changes of Fourier coefficients ofHilbert modular forms. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 230–244.
MR3253301 Leriche, Amandine About the embedding of a number fieldin a Pólya field. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 210–229.
MR3253300 Laubie, François Application deréciprocité de Shafarevich et groupe de Nottingham. (French) [Shafarevich reciprocity map and Nottingham group] J. NumberTheory 145 (2014),194–209.
MR3253299 Dong Quan, Nguyen Ngoc Carlitz moduleanalogues of Mersenne primes, Wieferich primes, and certain prime elements incyclotomic function fields. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 181–193.
MR3253298 Seo, Soogil On finite layers of Zl-extensions and K2. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 153–180.
MR3253297 Positselski, Leonid Galoiscohomology of a number field is Koszul. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 126–152.
MR3253296 Mu, Quanwu A Waring-Goldbach type problem formixed powers. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 109–125.
MR3253295 Bunder, Martin W. Unique representations of integersusing increasing sequences. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 99–108.
MR3253294 Sirolli, Nicolás Preimages for the Shimura map onHilbert modular forms. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 79–98.
MR3253293 Movasati, Hossein; Shokri, Khosro M. Automorphic forms for triangle groups:integrality properties. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 67–78.
MR3253292 Tafazolian, Saeed; Torres, Fernando On the curve yn=xm+x over finitefields. J. Number Theory145 (2014), 51–66.
MR3253291 Chow, Sam Averaging on thin sets of diagonalforms. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 22–50.
MR3253290 Chatterjee, Tapas; Murty, M. Ram Non-vanishing of Dirichlet series withperiodic coefficients. J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 1–21.
MR3247871 Pylypiv, V. M.; Maliarchuk, A. R. On some properties of Korobovpolynomials. Carpathian Math. Publ. 6 (2014), no. 1, 130–133.
MR3247859 Zatorsky, R. A.; Semenchuk, A. V. Calculation algorithm of rationalestimations of recurrence periodical fourth order fraction. CarpathianMath. Publ. 6 (2014), no.1, 32–43.
MR3235551 Nakamura, Kentaro Zariski density of crystallinerepresentations for any p-adic field. J.Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 21(2014), no. 1, 79–127.
MR3235518 Acquistapace, Francesca; Broglia, Fabrizio; Fernando, José F. On Hilbert's 17th problem and Pfister'smultiplicative formulae for the ring of real analytic functions. Ann.Sc. Norm. Super. PisaCl. Sci. (5) 13(2014), no. 2, 333–369.
MR3227422 Witno, Amin Multiples of repunits as sum of powersof ten. Arab J. Math. Sci. 20 (2014), no. 2, 246–249.
MR3227421 Mihoubi, Miloud; Belbachir, Hacène The (exponential) multipartitionalpolynomials and polynomial sequences of multinomial type, Part I. ArabJ. Math. Sci. 20(2014), no. 2, 233–245.
MR3227128 Yao, Olivia X. M. New infinite families of congruencesmodulo 4 and 8 for 1-shell totally symmetric plane partitions. Bull.Aust. Math. Soc. 90(2014), no. 1, 37–46.
MR3227127 Wang, Yingnan The quantitative distribution of Heckeeigenvalues. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 90 (2014), no. 1, 28–36.
MR3227126 Terai, Nobuhiro A note on the Diophantine equation x2+qm=cn. Bull. Aust.Math. Soc. 90 (2014),no. 1, 20–27.
MR3227125 Miyazaki, Takafumi; Terai, Nobuhiro On the exponential Diophantine equation (m2+1)x+(cm2−1)y=(am)z. Bull. Aust.Math. Soc. 90 (2014),no. 1, 9–19.
MR3251845 Somboonkulavudi, C.; Harnchoowong, A. A ring of Pythagorean triples overquadratic fields.Reprintedfrom Ukraïn. Mat. Zh. 66 (2014),no. 1, 135–139. Ukrainian Math. J. 66 (2014), no. 1, 153–159.
MR3257567 Jena, Susil Kumar On A2±nB4+C4=D8. Colloq.Math. 136 (2014), no. 2,255–257.
MR3257554 Ingram, Patrick A lower bound for the canonical heightassociated to a Drinfeld module. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2014, no. 17, 4879–4916.
MR3256982 Srivastava, H. M.; Djordjević, Gospava B. Some classes ofgeneralized MinMax polynomials. Ital. J. Pure Appl. Math. No. 32 (2014), 37–48.
MR3256253 Li, Bing; Ma, Chao Finite and infinite arithmeticprogressions related to beta-expansion. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Art. ID 678769, 6 pp.
MR3256242 Kim, Daeyeoul; Bayad, Abdelmejid; Park, Joongsoo Euler polynomials and combinatoricconvolution sums of divisor functions with even indices. Abstr. Appl.Anal. 2014, Art.ID 289187, 6 pp.
MR3256196 Gao, Fan The residual spectrum of Mp4(Ak). Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 366(2014), no. 11, 6151–6182.
MR3235513 Kim, Insuk; Cho, Myung Hyun On the bound for the sum of theabsolute value of Möbius function.Honam Math. J. 36 (2014), no. 2, 467–472.
MR3235509 Yu, Hoseog On the ratio of Tate-Shafarevich groupsover cyclic extensions of order p2. Honam Math.J. 36 (2014), no. 2,417–424.
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