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已有 10290 次阅读 2011-8-27 23:27 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 学位, 撤稿, Jatinder, Ahluwalia

据Retraction Watch网站2011年8月26日的报道,原在东伦敦大学(University of East London)执教的 Jatinder Ahluwalia,因为2003年在《Journal of Neurochemistry》杂志上发表的论文涉嫌学术不端:

Ahluwalia, J., Yaqoob, M., Urban, L., Bevan, S. and Nagy, I. (2003), Activation of capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurones induces anandamide production and release. Journal of Neurochemistry, 84: 585–591. doi: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2003.01550.x

而且这篇论文也是Jatinder Ahluwalia在英国伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)获得其博士学位论文中的一部分。作者在撤稿原因中的陈述如下:

The authors wish to draw attention that in spite of several proof readings, regrettably, the unit for the amount of anandamide released from cultured primary sensory neurons was incorrectly entered into the manuscript therefore, it was incorrectly published in Ahluwalia et al. (2003). Further, the authors of this manuscript wish to provide a more-informative legend for Fig. 2.

The correct unit for the amount of anandamide released by cultured primary sensory neurons should be pmol/ml instead of pmol/μl throughout the manuscript.

资深作者Istvan Nagy也认为与Jatinder Ahluwalia合作的论文的确存在问题,在给Journal of Neurochemistry 的信件(见附件)中这样写道:

In 2003, we reported in the Journal of Neurochemistry (Ahluwalia et al., Activation of capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurones induces anandamide production and release. J. Neurochem., 84, 585: 591; 2003) that application of capsaicin (10nM or 100nM) or KCl (50mM) to adult rat cultured primary sensory neurons results in increased anandamide content of the superfusate of the cells. In one of our recent studies, we repeated a part of the experiment we described in that Journal of Neurochemistry paper. While we found that application of capsaicin or KCl indeed results in increased anandamide content of the superfusate, regretfully, I have to inform you that our current data indicate that the concentration of anandamide in the superfusate we reported in the Journal of Neurochemistry paper must be incorrect.

Based on our current data, we can estimate that the superfusate of 500 cultured primary sensory neurons, after incubating the cells in 100nM capsaicin for 5 minutes, could contain ~ 7 fmol/ml anandamide, in average. However, in the paper we reportedthat 250µl superfusate of 500 cultured primary sensory neurons, following 3 minutes incubation in 100nM capsaicin contained 2.07pmol/ml anandamide, in average.

Based on our current data, we can also estimate that 5 minutes incubation of 500 cultured primary sensory neurons in 100nM capsaicin or 50nM KCl results, respectively, in ~47fmol/ml and ~68fmol/ml anandamide in the cells and superfusate together, in average.

Our current data are obtained from two independent experiments, and measurements were done in two laboratories using different machines and conditions (i.e. extraction, solvents, etc). Therefore, I think that our current data indicate the correct range of anandamide that 500 cultured primary sensory neurons could produce following capsaicin or KCl application.

A possible reason for the incorrect measurements, in our previous experiments, could be that instead of anandamide alone, we measured anandamide and other lipid compounds of very similar molecular mass together, because, due to the lack of internal standard and the use of single quad mass spectrometry, we could not differentiate between molecules of very similar molecular mass. Therefore, it appears that the conclusion of the Journal of Neurochemistry paper is based on data with a large artefactual component.

Jatinder Ahluwalia2004年在《自然》杂志上发表的一篇论文于2010年11月被撤销,10多年前曾因论文数据捏造被剑桥大学开除。最终Jatinder Ahluwalia在帝国理工学院(Imperial College)获得博士学位后,在东伦敦大学(University of East London)执教,现在因为又有一篇论文被发现存在学术不端行为而离开了东伦敦大学。伦敦帝国理工学院针对Jatinder Ahluwalia的第二篇撤稿论文展开了对其学位的有效性问题进行调查,最终结果值得关注。

资深作者Istvan Nagy的信件:nagy letter.pdf


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