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已有 4351 次阅读 2021-9-17 21:54 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Artist's concept of a microbial fuel cell with efficiencies boosted by silver nanoparticles. Credit: AKang, Sphere Studio. Copyright: Yu Huang and Xiangfeng Duan.

据美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles简称UCLA2021916日提供的消息,该校研究人员将银注入细菌,提高了燃料电池的功效(Researchers infuse bacteria with silver to improve power efficiency in fuel cells)。上面图示就是通过银纳米颗粒提高微生物燃料电池效率的艺术家的概念。由UCLA领导的一个工程师和化学家组成的研究团队,在微生物燃料电池的开发上取得了重大进展。微生物燃料电池是一种利用天然细菌从废水中的有机物中提取电子来产生电流的技术。《科学》(Science)杂志网站2021917日发表了一项研究成果——Bocheng Cao, Zipeng Zhao, Lele Peng, Hui-Ying Shiu, Mengning Ding, Frank Song, Xun Guan, Calvin K. Lee, Jin Huang, Dan Zhu, Xiaoyang Fu, Gerard C. L. Wong, Chong Liu, Kenneth Nealson, Paul S. Weiss, Xiangfeng Duan, Yu Huang. Silver nanoparticles boost charge-extraction efficiency in Shewanella microbial fuel cells. Science, 2021; 373 (6561): 1336-1340. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3427https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abf3427. 该文详细地介绍了这一突破。

共同通讯作者、加州大学洛杉矶分校工程学院材料科学与工程系(Materials Science and Engineering Department at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering)教授兼系主任黄宇(Yu Huang音译)说:“利用废水中发现的细菌的活能量回收系统(Living energy-recovery system sutilizing bacteria)为环境可持续性努力提供了一个连续出击的组合拳。细菌的自然种群可以通过分解有害的化学化合物来帮助净化地下水。现在,我们的研究还显示了一种利用这一过程的可再生能源的实用方法。”

该研究小组将重点放在希瓦氏菌属(genus Shewanella)的细菌上,这种细菌的发电能力已被广泛研究。无论氧气水平如何,它们都能在包括土壤、废水和海水在内的各种环境中茁壮成长。

希瓦氏菌(Shewanella species)能自然地将有机废物分解成更小的分子,电子是代谢过程的副产品。当此细菌在电极上以薄膜的形式生长时,一些电子就会被捕获,形成微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell),从而产生电能。

然而,由希瓦氏菌(Shewanella oneidensis)驱动的微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cells)此前未能从细菌中捕捉到足够的电流,使这项技术实际应用于工业。很少有电子能够足够快地移动,逃离细菌的膜,进入电极,以提供足够的电流和电力。


该研究的另一位通讯作者、加州大学洛杉矶分校化学和生物化学教授段祥峰(Xiangfeng Duan音译):“将银纳米颗粒(silver nanoparticles)添加到细菌中,就像为电子创建一个专用的快速通道,这使我们能够以更快的速度提取更多的电子。”

随着电子传输效率的极大提高,由此产生的注入银的希瓦内拉薄膜将80%以上的代谢电子输出到外部电路,产生0.66 mW/cm2的功率,是以前微生物燃料电池最佳功率的两倍多。

这项由美国海军研究办公室(Office of Naval Research)支持的研究表明,随着电流的增加和效率的提高,由银-希瓦氏菌(silver-Shewanella)混合细菌驱动的燃料电池可能会为实际环境中获得足够的功率输出铺平了道路。


Silver in the linings

The bacterium Shewanella oneidensis is well known to use extracellular electron sinks, metal oxides and ions in nature or electrodes when cultured in a fuel cell, to power the catabolism of organic material. However, the power density of microbial fuel cells has been limited by various factors that are mostly related to connecting the microbes to the anode. Cao et al. found that a reduced graphene oxide–silver nanoparticle anode circumvents some of these issues, providing a substantial increase in current and power density (see the Perspective by Gaffney and Minteer). Electron microscopy revealed silver nanoparticles embedded or attached to the outer cell membrane, possibly facilitating electron transfer from internal electron carriers to the anode. —MAF


Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can directly convert the chemical energy stored in organic matter to electricity and are of considerable interest for power generation and wastewater treatment. However, the current MFCs typically exhibit unsatisfactorily low power densities that are largely limited by the sluggish transmembrane and extracellular electron-transfer processes. Here, we report a rational strategy to boost the charge-extraction efficiency in Shewanella MFCs substantially by introducing transmembrane and outer-membrane silver nanoparticles. The resulting Shewanella-silver MFCs deliver a maximum current density of 3.85 milliamperes per square centimeter, power density of 0.66 milliwatts per square centimeter, and single-cell turnover frequency of 8.6 × 105 per second, which are all considerably higher than those of the best MFCs reported to date. Additionally, the hybrid MFCs feature an excellent fuel-utilization efficiency, with a coulombic efficiency of 81%.


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