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已有 3512 次阅读 2020-3-6 11:35 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察| 蓝藻, 石油




Fig. 1 Prof. Dörmann (left) and his doctoral student Mohammed Aizouq with two different cyanobacteria cultures. Credit: Yannic Müller/Uni Bonn

据德国波恩大学University of Bonn202035提供的消息,该大学的研究人员最近的一项研究成果表明,可以利用蓝藻(Blue-green algae)在光的帮助下从水和二氧化碳中产生油类物质。图1波恩大学提供的照片,其中左边的是彼德·德尔曼(Peter Dörmann)教授,另一位是博士生Mohammed Aizouq,他们在观看两种不同的蓝细菌培养(cyanobacteria cultures)结果。

蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)俗称蓝藻(blue-green algae)可以在光的帮助下从水和二氧化碳中产生油,波恩大学最近的一项研究表明了这一点。结果是出乎意料的:直到现在,人们都认为这种能力是为植物保留的。蓝藻作为饲料或燃料的供应商现在也可能会引起人们的兴趣,特别是因为它们不需要耕地。相关结果现已在PNASProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences )杂志上发表——Mohammed Aizouq, Helga Peisker, Katharina Gutbrod, Michael Melzer, Georg Hölzl, Peter Dörmann. Triacylglycerol and phytyl ester synthesis in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. PNAS first published March 2, 2020. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1915930117.

最常见的油料作物除了油菜、花生、大豆、油葵、芝麻、亚麻等之外鳄梨(avocado,也称牛油果) 和橄榄树(olive tree) 等木本植物的果实也是油品的重要来源,长期以来一直被人类用作油脂的生产者。但是,借助光从水和二氧化碳中产生石油的能力,对于从单细胞藻类unicellular algae到巨型红杉树 giant sequoia trees的所有植物而言,基本上都是共有的。波恩大学植物分子生理学和生物技术研究所(Institute of Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology of PlantsIMBIO)的生物学家彼德·德尔曼教授解释说:我们现在首次证明了蓝细菌cyanobacteria可以做到这一点。” “这不仅给我们带来了完全的惊喜。

到目前为止,专家们一直认为蓝细菌(cyanobacteria缺乏这种特性。毕竟,它们实际上是细菌,即使其琐碎的名字“ 蓝绿藻 blue-green algae暗示了这一点。因此,它们在许多方面与植物有很大不同:蓝细菌与肠道细菌大肠杆菌的关系比与橄榄树的关系更紧密。在文献中确实有古老的报道说蓝细菌可以包含油,彼德·德尔曼说。但是这些从未得到证实。




彼德·德尔曼与他的博士生穆罕默德·艾朱(Mohammed Aizouq)一起追求这种可能性。科学家在各种蓝细菌的基因组中搜索了一个与植物油合成中涉及的酶的基因组成相似的基因。成功的结果是:他们在蓝藻中发现了一种所谓的酰基转移酶基因;植物酶也属于这一类。进一步的测试表明,即使只是少量,蓝细菌实际上也确实会利用这种酶产生油脂。



彼德·德尔曼解释说:关于绿藻green algae的类似实验已经在进行中,但是,它们更难以维护;而且,它们不易通过生物技术优化以实现最高的石油生产率。” 蓝细菌(cyanobacteria)可能与此不同。在波恩大学研究的物种仅产生少量的油。这位生物学家说:尽管如此,其他物种的生产力仍然很有可能。” 此外,类似于其他细菌,蓝绿藻(blue-green algae)可以相对容易地进行基因修饰。因此,肯定有可能通过生物技术手段再次大大提高石油产量。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。

Cyanobacteria problems will worsen if carbon concentrations continue to rise


Cyanobacteria harbor a photosynthetic apparatus related to plant chloroplasts. The lipid compositions of the thylakoids that harbor the photosynthetic complexes in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts are highly similar. Chloroplasts contain triacylglycerol (storage oil) and wax esters; the latter are composed of phytol derived from chlorophyll and fatty acids (phytyl esters). However, the existence of these lipids in cyanobacteria in general remained unclear. Here we show that the cyanobacterium Synechocystis contains triacylglycerol and phytyl esters. A mutant, Δslr2103, was generated, which lacked these two lipids but showed no obvious growth defect. The slr2103 gene encodes a diacylglycerol acyltransferase different from known enzymes of triacylglycerol synthesis in bacteria. This pathway can be employed to produce oil for biotechnological applications in cyanobacteria.


Cyanobacteria are unicellular prokaryotic algae that perform oxygenic photosynthesis, similar to plants. The cells harbor thylakoid membranes composed of lipids related to those of chloroplasts in plants to accommodate the complexes of photosynthesis. The occurrence of storage lipids, including triacylglycerol or wax esters, which are found in plants, animals, and some bacteria, nevertheless remained unclear in cyanobacteria. We show here that the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 accumulates both triacylglycerol and wax esters (fatty acid phytyl esters). Phytyl esters accumulate in higher levels under abiotic stress conditions. The analysis of an insertional mutant revealed that the acyltransferase slr2103, with sequence similarity to plant esterase/lipase/thioesterase (ELT) proteins, is essential for triacylglycerol and phytyl ester synthesis in Synechocystis. The recombinant slr2103 enzyme showed acyltransferase activity with phytol and diacylglycerol, thus producing phytyl esters and triacylglycerol. Acyl-CoA thioesters were the preferred acyl donors, while acyl-ACP (acyl carrier protein), free fatty acids, or galactolipid-bound fatty acids were poor substrates. The slr2103 protein sequence is unrelated to acyltransferases from bacteria (AtfA) or plants (DGAT1, DGAT2, PDAT), and therefore establishes an independent group of bacterial acyltransferases involved in triacylglycerol and wax ester synthesis. The identification of the gene slr2103 responsible for triacylglycerol synthesis in cyanobacteria opens the possibility of using prokaryotic photosynthetic cells in biotechnological applications.



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