11.17日,PLoS One(我们都称P1)的编辑主管(Editorial Director)Damian Pattinson,给我们这些Academic Editor(AE)写了一封离职告别邮件,发在P1的内部论坛上。其中酸甜苦辣请自己体会。
Farewell and Thank You
by Damian Pattinson -Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 8:36 AM
Dear AEs,
It is with great sadness that I am writing to tell you that I am stepping down from my position as Editorial Director of PLOS ONE at the end of the year. I have been here for almost six years, and feel it’s time to move on. I am moving to a relatively new company called ×××× who are exploring new models of peer review and research dissemination.
When I started six years ago, PLOS ONE was still in its infancy - relatively unheard of by most academics, and publishing a couple of hundred articles per month in a handful of life science disciplines. We now publish 2400 articles per month in pretty much every scientific discipline, are the world’s largest journal, are featured in the newspapers, blogs and tweets every day of the year. We have become a mainstay for the scientific establishment. And we have proven that OpenAccess can work, that the traditional systems of publication are outdated and can be improved, and that pulling down the paywalls that have confined scientific discoveries for so many years can have incredible benefits to the world as a whole.
The success of the journal has been incredible, but with it has come immense scrutiny and a great deal of pressure to demonstrate that large journals can operate with high standards of ethics and rigour. This has been no mean feat and, while there have been some slips along the way, I feel we have managed to show that it can be done. By ‘we’, I of course mean all of you. A journal is nothing more than the people who make it up. And at PLOS ONE, I believe we have the best possible people. While you are numerous and diverse in background, I deeply believe that every one of you has been instrumental in making PLOS ONE the success it is today. The hours you have dedicated to editing, reviewing and authoring are what have made it possible. It belongs to all of you.
So I will miss you all greatly. It has been a great privilege to work with you all, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together.
We are working on a transition plan for when I leave, and will communicate it indue course. In the interim, Iratxe and Veronique will be overseeing Editorial matters.
Very best,
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