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Radiation 天体辐射机制笔记

已有 2724 次阅读 2017-8-24 15:31 |个人分类:LectureNotes|系统分类:科研笔记| radiation

Based on lecture at http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~kjbg1/lectures/

Chapter 2 : The Transfer of Radiation

When we observe astronomical source, along the eye path cloud matter may absorb the radiation , scatter or emit further radiation.


Particle number density n, cross section of one particle is $\sigma_\nu$ ,  beam of area dA propagates a distance ds into the cloud , the totla absorbing cross section is $\sigma_\nu n ds$ ,   $I_\nu$ is 单色辐射强度。

$d I_\nu = - I_\nu n \sigma_\nu ds \equiv - \alpha_\nu I_\nu ds$

$\alpha_\nu = n \sigma_\nu$ is absorption coefficient, defined as the fractional loss of intensity per unit length, with dimensions m^-1. It follows that the PHOTON MEAN FREE PATH $l_\nu = 1/ \alpha_\nu$


Two ways of an excited atom return to ground state:

i) atom emits energy spontaneously

ii) stimulated into emission by the presence of electromagnetic radiation

Stimulated emission is proportional to I_nu, as was the amount of absorption. Therefore for simplicity it can be considered to be negative absorption.
Define a spontaneous emission coefficient j_nu which is the energy emitted per unit time per unit volume per unit solid angle per unit frequency. $W m^{-3}sr^{-1}Hz^{-1}$
$dE = j_\nu dV d\Omega d_\nu dt$

Crossing a length ds a beam's specific intensity is increased by spontaneous emission by

$dI_\nu = j_\nu ds$
The optical deptth
Opaque or optically thick means on average a photon cannot pass through the medium without absorption. Conversaely is optically thin. These properties are functions of wavelengh, for example , a pen of glass is optically thin in the optical , but  optically thick in the infrared.

Define the optical depth tau_nu

$\tau_\nu = \int \alpha_\nu ds$
1) Optically thinck if $\tau_\nu > 1$
2) before absorption is when optical depth is 1
3) In an optically thick homogenous medium the number of steps taken for a photon to diffuse out  sim tau^2 (explanation)


$\tau$ through 20m of water sim 1, then we know that
$\tau$ through 2m of water sim 0.1, means you can see to the bottom of a swimming pool
$\tau$ through 200m of water sim 10, means you cannot see to the bottom of the sea

The Radiative Transfer Equation

$\frac{dI_\nu}{ds } = -\alpha_\nu I_\nu + j_\nu$
can also be written as
$\frac{dI_\nu}{d\tau_\nu} = - I_\nu + S_\nu$
where define source function $S_\nu = j_\nu /\alpha_\nu$


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