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密立根到底有没有学术不端? 精选

已有 25374 次阅读 2009-7-13 09:06 |个人分类:科学人文|系统分类:科研笔记



Robert Millikan著名的油滴实验研究,涉及了两个所谓的学术不端指控。

a.密立根可能不正当地独占了第一篇油滴实验论文(The Isolation of an Ion,a Precisionmeasurement of Its Charge, and the Correction of Stokes law. Science, September 30, 1910.)的credit,而没有让自己学生Harvey Feltcher在该论文上署名。

b.密立根在1913年密立根发表的论文(On the Elementary Electric charge and the Avagadro Constant,R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev. vol. II, no.2, pp. 109-143, 1913.)中,涉嫌选择性报道数据。






对于第一项指控的否定的根据,可以从Physics Today于1982年发表的Harvey Fletcher的自述My Work with Millikan on the Oil-Drop Experimemnt中找到直接的证据。Harvey Fletcher在这个自述中详细说明了自己未能在1910年那篇Science论文中署名的前后事实。并且特别指出:

People have frequently asked me if I had bad feelings toward Milligan for not letting me be a joint author with him on this first paper, which really led to his getting the Nobel Prize. My answer has always been no. It is obviously that I was dissapointed as I had done considerable work on it, and had expected to be a joint author. But Milligan was very good to me while I was at Chicago. It was through his influence that I got into the graduate school. he also found remunerative jobs for me to defray all my personal and school expenses for the last two years. Above this was the friendship created by working intimately together for more than two years.this lasted throughout our lifetime. When he wrote his memoirs shortly before he died he had probably forgotten some of these early experiences.


It was from these classmates (at University Chicago,博主注) that the rumors arose that I had been unfairly treated by Professor Milligan, and these rumors persisted at the Ryerson Physical Laboratories for many years after I left there. This is one of the reasons that i have outlined in some detail my connection and contribution to the famous oil drop experiment.

事实上,Millikan在指导Fletcher的博士论文期间(1908-1910),还只是assistant professor,远不是什么大老板。而且Fletcher说在1908年8月之后的两年多时间中:

We were together nearly every afternoon for the next two years.



在1982年Physics Today上的文章My Work with Millikan on the Oil-Drop Experimemnt全文:FletcherPhysicsToday

仔细阅读1910年Millikan单独署名的这篇长达13页的Science文章(我以前还从来不知道Science早期会发表数据如此详尽和篇幅如此长的研究文章),会发现这篇文章中有5处提到Fletcher的名字,其中三次是“Mr. Fletcher and myself...”,有一次为“Harvey Fletcher and myself...”,还有一次在解释所有的数据的来源的时候是这样提到Fletcher的名字的:

The letter F before a reading means that it was taken by Fletcher, the letter M that it was taken by Millikan.


1' At the request of the editor this abridgment of a paper presented on April 23, 1910, before the American Physical Society is published in SCIENCE.


事实上,在1911年Millikan又在Physical Review上发表了长达49页的一篇自己单独署名并且和Science文章同名但内容更为详尽的论文。在这篇论文中,Millikan也多次几次提到Fletcher的名字,并且在文章最后的致谢中写到:

I wish also to acknowledge my great indebtedness to Mr. Harvey Fletcher who has most ably assisted me throughout the whole of this investigation.

在这篇Phisical Review文章中有以下的注解:

1'A preliminary account of this work was read on April 23 before the AmericanPhysical Society and was published in Science, Vol. 32, p. 436, September, 1910.


'The atomizer method of producing very minute but accurately spherical drops for the purpose of studying their behavior in fluid media, was first conceived and successfully carried out in January, 1908, at the Ryerson Laboratory, by Mr. J. Y. Lee, while he was engaged in a quantitative investigation of Brownian movements, His spheres were blown from Vood's metal, wax and other like substances which solidify at ordinary temperatures. Since then the method has been almost continuously in use here, upon this and a number of other problems, and elsewhere upon similar problems.

这里的Mr. J. Y. Lee,即李耀邦(John Yiubong Lee),是我国近代最早出国学习物理学并获得博士学位的先驱之一。非常有意思的是,尽管李耀邦对Millikan的油滴实验研究有直接的贡献,也先于Fletcher参与Millikan的有关工作,却从来没有和Millikan共同署名发表过文章。现在能够从文献上找到的李耀邦先生的文章只有一篇(DETERMINATION OF THE VALUE OF "e," BY MILLIKAN'S METHOD, USING SOLID SPHERES. Physical Review, Vol.4, 420-434, 1914.),而且这篇文章也只是李耀邦先生单独署名。这正好说明当时芝加哥大学的确对博士有发表自己单独署名文章要求,而当初Millikan和Fletcher商量署名问题绝对不是为了独占油滴实验的credit。如果没有芝加哥大学的这个要求,只按现在大家的惯常理解,李耀邦和Fletcher的名字应该都出现在Millikan于1910和1911年发表的Science和Physical Review文章中。



I wish to express my sincere thanks to Professor Millikan for his kind assistance and counsel throughout these experiments.



In a discussion of that kind, it is rather difficult to be sure who suggested what. I left with the impression that I had suggested oil for it was easy to get and to handle. However, in his memoirs Millikan said he had been thinking of this before this conference. Of course, I cannot say yes or no to that, but I do know what happened after this conference.

Professor Millikan said to me,"There is your thesis; go try one of these substances which will not evaporate.



注:Millikan在1910年在PHYSIKALISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT上还发表了一篇自己独自署名的类似题目的文章(The isolation of ion, a precise measuring of the bound to it electricity quantum and correction of Stokes' law, PHYSIKALISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT   Volume: 11   Pages: 1097-1109   Published: 1910)。我看不懂德文,也没有直接找到这篇文章。估计那个时候重要的文章都需要用德文发表一遍才算做数。如果有谁能从这篇文章里面发现新的有趣的信息,敬请指教。


我没有时间和渠道去检查Millikan的实验原始记录,但David Goodstein在American Scientist和Engineering and Science上的文章中,Goodstein详细地描述了自己仔细检查和分析Millikan的原始实验过程细节和原始数据记录的发现和结论,他同时也仔细比较了Millikan发表于Physical Review上的那篇长达35页的被指控涉嫌选择性报道数据的文章和相关历史资料,这些都否定了对Millikan的指控。

David Goodstein发表在American Scientist上的文章In the Case of Robert Andrews Millikan全文链接:http://www.its.caltech.edu/~dg/MillikanII.pdf

David Goodstein发表在Engineering and Science上的文章In Defense of Robert Andrews Millikan全文链接:http://pr.caltech.edu/periodicals/EandS/articles/Millikan%20Feature.pdf


I don’t think that any scientist, having studied Millikan’s techniques and procedures for conducting this most demanding and difficult experiment, would fault him in any way for picking out what he considered to be his most dependable measurements in order to arrive at the most accurate possible result.


In Betrayers of the Truth, Broad and Wade want to make the point that scientists cheat. Chapter 2, Deceit in History starts out with a list of culprits: Claudius Ptolemy, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, Gregor Mendel and Robert Millikan. At the very least, Millikan is in good company. Of Millikan they say he “…extensively misrepresented his work in order to make his experimental results seem more convincing than was in fact the case.”

I would argue that this statement is profoundly incorrect. Incidentally, although I have no time to make the case today, the accusations against most of the other scientists on the list are equally spurious.










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