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Four year ago I wrote about the US P Republican and Democratic Nominating Conventions http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-609585.html. It is worthwhile to read that article first before proceeding to read this.
1. Instead of three day convention as in 2012, this time the duration has been extended to four days each.
2. For some reason, the Republican did not learn the lesson of 2012. They scheduled their convention again immediately beforethe Democratic one. Thus, as a political advertisement showpiece, the Democrats have a chance to respond and offer contrast to the Republican show but Republicans have no chance to refute or reply to anything at the Democraticconvention immediately when the topics are hot.
3. From the viewpoint of organization, it is clear that for the Republicans it is a one man show directed by Trump and he does not have a large enough team to properly organized the show. The result is that despite his personal skill the show displayed missteps, lack of experienced organization, and relative lack of depth.
4. Among the missteps and lack of depth:
a. Many Republican heavy weights such as former presidents, former nominees, congressmen and senators choose not to speak or attend.
b. The non-endorsement of a key speaker and competitor, Ted Cruz, who asked the Republican voters to vote their conscience.
c. Plagiarizing of Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech for Melania Trump’s otherwise fine delivery
d. No major celebrities to liven up the show
5. On the other hand, the Democrats produced a slick and entertaining show so far
a. All the major players were there and spoke andyet to speak.
b. Despite some initial protests by die-hard Sandersupporters, the over all show was united and harmonious
c. The scandal/distraction of the Russian hacked e-mail was quickly resolved when the DNC chairperson resigned her position as well as removed from the show
d. The historical significance of the event was played to its maximal effect with the emotional and impressive short video showing Hilary breaking through the glass ceiling of 44 previous male US presidents.
e. Major celebrities from the entertainment world participated as an integral part of the event
f. The personal story of Hilary as delivered only her husband, Bill Clinton, can goes much to remove her negatives as someone not trustworthy
6. Although I have not seen the Obama speech and the Hilary acceptance speech as yet, I am confident that hers should be at least equal to that of what Trump delivered.
7. Thus, although one can argue that I am biased due to my political leanings, I’d say Democrats clearly won this time again. I predict Hilary will get a much bigger bounce in polling returns next week.
8. The worst thing the Democrats can do at this time is to underestimate the resilency abd appeal of Trump. He may win the election still.
Note added on 7/27/2106 11:40pm EST as President Obama just finished what advertised as his endorsement speech for Hilary Clinton but also turned out to be his farewell speech. He spoke for all americans and for me as an old immigrant to this great country. It brought tears to my eyes. What a great speech!
Note added 8/1/2016 All three polls out (after the convention) today showed Clinton got a fine high bounce and now clearly lead Trump by significant margins. Hilary is on her way to fulfillthe the second half of my prediction 10 months ago that she will be elected the first women president of the US.prediction .
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