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2016年5月6日,清华大学和波士顿大学两校全面合作的签约仪式在美国波士顿大学举行。清华大学校长邱勇和波士顿大学校长Robert A. Brown共同签署了两校合作协议,这标志着清华大学和波士顿大学在学生培养与科研等方面全面合作的展开。作为双方合作的第一个项目,双方校长签署了清华大学自动化系和波士顿大学系统工程学院4+X联合培养研究生项目。
Note added by the blogger: Just to show how difficult it is to negotiate an international agreement even when both side wanted to do so. Here is a problem. In China, every student who wants to enter university must pass an entrance exam. Now the agreement between Tsinghua and BU allows the exchange of students and graduate studens between the two school departments (Automation departement at Tsinghua and the System engineering division at BU). Now Tsinghua wants to exclude student in BU who hold Chinese passport from this exchange since they have not passed or taken the Chinese netrance exam in fairness to other local chinese students - a very reasonable requirement. But BU's position is that we cannot discriminate against our own students and create two classes of students -those holding chinese passport and those who do not - a requirement byUS law. How do you resolve this requires lawyers, negotiations, and creative languages.
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