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Privilege Walk

已有 8620 次阅读 2014-5-18 20:42 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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Recently,the students at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government held a very peaceful and meaningful demonstration  called  “A Privilege Walk”.  The purpose of the Privilege Walk Activity is to learn to recognize how power and privilege can affect our lives even when we are not aware it is happening.  The purpose is not to blame anyone for having more power or  privilege or for receiving more help in achieving goals, but to have an opportunity to identify both obstacles and benefits experienced in our life  http://www.albany.edu/ssw/efc/pdf/Module%205_1_Privilege%20Walk%20Activity.pdf .


It worked like this: The rules are simple.  Everyone gathers in a long horizontal line (or a circle). When the facilitator reads a statement that applies to you, such as, “If your family owned the house where you grew up, or  land of  any description,” you step forward; if it doesn’t,  you step back. Similarly, statements such as “are you member of a minority (step back if you are)”, “ are you from a single parent family (step back if you are)?”,  “Did you go to private school  before university (step forward)?” and applicable in China “are you 官二代 or 富二代 i.e., descendents of the rich and powerful  (step forward)?”Etc. None of these questions concern things within  people’s personal control. At the end of the exercise,  the participants’  arrangement in space represents a map of the social, political, economic and environmental circumstances into which people are born and reared. People  participating will come to realize how various hiddenm  factors play in shaping one’s life and career even in a land of equal  opportunity. A correlated but more subtle goal is to promote  the notion that “those who are given more should also give more  back to the society”.

Note added 6/21/2014: A related and real life story illustrating such privileges can be found at http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/22/opinion/sunday/nicholas-kristof-for-these-2-women-the-lottery-of-birth-decides-opportunity.html?emc=edit_ae_20140621&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=11694710


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