X Fan, N Phan-Thien, R Zheng - Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid …, 1998 - Elsevier
... in the mechanics of suspensions is to develop a suitable constitutive relation, by which the macroscopic rheology properties of ... the microstructure modelling approach here, where a direct link between the microstructural properties and the macroscopic rheological behaviour of ...
...RongZheng To my Children William and Anthony for their support, understanding and love. — Peter K. Kennedy Page 7. ... This is due to the multi-disciplinary nature of simulation software. In particular, aspects of rheology, ma- terials science, and numerical methods are used. ...
N Phan-Thien, XJ Fan, R Zheng - Rheologica acta, 2000 - Springer
... Nhan Phan-Thien Xi-Jun Fan RongZheng... of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia R. Zheng Moldflow Corporation ... The constitutive equation can account for most of the observed rheological features in concentrated suspensions ...