最近投了一篇文章到超导领域最顶级的期刊Superconductor Science and Technology。文章主要利用笔者之前发表在EPL的理论结果计算了两个实验测量值,结果理论与实验吻合的程度精确到小数点后1位(值得注意的是:目前的实验手段只测量到小数点后1位)。到这里,诸君可能必定可以感受到笔者内心的欣喜,所以笔者写出了职业生涯以来最高调的一次cover letter:
There are seldom several examples in the physical history that theoretical results are in accordance with experimental measure with so high accuracy. To my knowledge, Einstein’s gravity equation (e.g. explaining perihelion precession of Mercury orbit), quantum electrodynamics (e.g. explaining the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron), etc. are few examples. This is why I submit my current paper to Superconductor Science and Technology. 大意是:只有爱因斯坦利用广义相对论计算水星近日点进动与施温格利用量子电动力学计算电子反常磁矩等少数几个例子能够有这样的精度,所以我才投稿到贵刊。
Superconductor Science and Technology的审稿流程大致是:编辑部指定一位成员先检查稿件并写推荐审稿或者拒稿的意见,如果意见很好并推荐审稿,那么接下来就是同行评议阶段,同行评议结束后,编辑部再请一位成员推荐或者拒稿。
Although this is a purely theoretical paper it does refer to experiments previously published. Considering this I recommend that the manuscript should be considered for publication in SuST and be sent to referees for review. I would also recommend that the authors should plot their calculations against the experimental data they refer to for better comparison. (编辑成员A推荐考虑发表并推荐同行评议,只是建议最后增加一个图。)
This is a good piece of the theoretical work in which Tao has demonstrated that two parabolic scaling can be exactly derived by using quantum critical model. Also, the authors have calculated theoretical values of the coefficient γ and β in two parabolic scaling, both of which are in accordance with the experimental results with high accuracy. These results suggest that quantum fluctuations should play a central role of breaking Cooper pairs when the Tc approaches zero for the quasi-two-dimensional BCS-like superconductors. The manuscript presented in this submission is well organized. Also, the interpretation is quite convincing. The paper satisfies the criteria of importance and general interest of the "Superconductor Science and Technology" journal and could be published as is. (审稿人B认为理论与实验值高精度吻合,并且行文组织的好,陈述相当有说服力,满足“重要性”和“一般兴趣”的标准,建议按照论文原样发表)
I cannot support publication of this manuscript in SUST. The manuscript presents the ideas which were already published by the same author, yet without recognition by the scientific community in the field. I do not see any novelty in the present work, except for promotion of the previous results by the same author. The level of the presentation is far below average. To my opinion, this work will have no (or marginal) impact on the field. (编辑成员C的意见是笔者的理论已经发表在EPL,但是还没有得到学术界的公认recognition,所以建议拒稿)
笔者在投稿的cover letter已经高度强调并注明:论文是利用发表在EPL的理论来计算实验值,最终高精度吻合,这就是论文的特色。那时候这位成员C不知道为什么不跳出来拒稿,而要等到2个月之后的圣诞节放假前夕来一出,弄得笔者很是尴尬(再次投稿也要等到明年1月份)。更重要的是,成员C直接无视现今流行的“同行评议”规则。
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