1. Ito's lemma, which provide the differentiation law for function of infinite variation. 2. martingale representation theorem, which characterizes the continuous martingale. 3. Girsanov theorem about change of measure. 4. Feymann-Kac theorem, which reveals the connection between stochastic differential equation and partial differential equation. 随机最优控制的两套方法,一套是动态规划,把问题划归为求解偏微分方程的粘性解,一套是极大值原理,把问题归结为一个正向,一个倒向随机微分方程的联合求解。 另外对于特定的问题,可以用测度变换把问题划归为一个凸分析问题。 stochastic differential game, mean field game 框架上异曲同工之妙。