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IP: 111.33.25.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [11]王庆浩   2021-6-17 14:41
An animate noun refers to a thing that is alive and sentient. For example, the noun "human" would be an animate noun, since people are clearly alive. On the other hand, the noun "time" would be an inanimate noun.
IP: 111.33.25.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [10]王庆浩   2021-6-17 14:30
The nt-stem nouns are diminutives referring to living beings. All the nouns of this type are neuter, 'child';
All s-stem nouns are neuter
r-Stem Nouns: Only two feminine nouns belong to the r-stem declension: мати 'mother' and дъшти 'daughter'.
IP: 220.115.13.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [9]王庆浩   2021-6-17 13:26
Meanings:         a man, a husband, a human
Cognates:        Greek hers (a hero), aristos (the best),*w disappeares in Greek.
Latin vr (a man, a husband), virtus (virtue)
English world (from *wer-ald "man's age, lifetime")
        In Proto-Indo-European there were several words for "a man", but they all seemed quite different to its speakers because the exact meanings differed.
IP: 220.115.13.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [8]王庆浩   2021-6-17 13:20
Meanings:         to rule, to lead straight, to put right
Greek réks (a king);Latin regere (to rule), rex (a king, a leader), rectus (right, correct), Oscan regaturei' (dat.sg., a leader, a guider);
The first meaning of the word that is so spread in modern tongues, was "to lead right", "a leader" (Latin: Qualis rex, talix grex). That's why the meaning "right, correct" is much more ancient than the other one "wealthy, rich" which was born from the wealth of kings and leaders. English "direct" are also derivatives, coming from Latin dis-rego.
IP: 220.115.13.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [7]王庆浩   2021-6-17 13:07
Meanings:         to bear, to carry, to take,"to bring", "birth",to be born, gebären (to give birth).
Latin feró (I carry), ferre (to carry);Celtic *ber-, *ber-t- (to carry) ;
IP: 111.33.25.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [6]王庆浩   2021-6-17 11:02
Root/Stem:        *wed- / *wod-, *wed-r-;Meanings: wet, water.   The very stem meant just "something wet", but suffixes *-r-, *-n- and other made it a noun "water".
回复  Root/Stem:        *dhwer-, *dhwor-; Meanings: a doorway, a door, a gate;
Latin foris (a door), foras (out the house), forum - the initial f- proves it used to be *dh-, not *d-.
2021-6-17 11:071 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  Germanic *dur- (a doorway) with a semi-vowel replacing a root vowel;
> Gothic dauro (gate), Old English duru (a door)
dauro (gate),-o- 升级
2021-6-17 11:102 楼(回复 1 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  The noun was feminine and i-stem, though later in some groups (Indic, Greek) it migrated into a-stems.
Some scientists think (and we share) that the plural form is so frequent because of the meaning "doors": two halfs of the gate.
2021-6-17 11:133 楼(回复 1 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 111.33.25.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [5]王庆浩   2021-6-17 10:48
The feminine noun of i-stems,
回复  The suffix -t- used, obviously, for forming a noun.
2021-6-17 10:491 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  *-k- in *ekwo- was palatal *-k'- that changed into -s- in Anatolian languages;
2021-6-17 10:522 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  The noun is masculine, belongs often to IE o-stems.
2021-6-17 10:543 楼(回复 2 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  in Germanic it is neuter and a-stem; in Baltic it is masculine and n-stem; in Slavic it is feminine and a-stem.
2021-6-17 10:594 楼(回复 3 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 118.28.17.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [4]王庆浩   2021-6-14 07:11
O-Stems:  Paradigm is given for the masculine noun *wĺ̥kʷos (“wolf”)which was preserved in most of the daughters.
Eh₂-Stems: eh₂-stems or ā-stems (the traditional name) were mostly of feminine gender.
回复  I-Stems:
Animate 1. nominative singular: The ending *-is comes from the zero grade of the morpheme and the nominative singular desinence *-s. It was preserved in Ancient Greek (e.g. πόλις (pólis)), in Latin turris, in Sanskrit अग्निस् (agnís), in PGmc *mundiz and Hittite ḫarkiš. 2. vocative singular: Sanskrit requires a diphthong, it could reflect either *-ey or *-oy. 3. accusative singular: The ending *-i-m comes from the zero grade and the accusative singular desinence *-m. It was preserved as Latin "-im", Sanskrit "-im".
2021-6-14 07:121 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  n-stems
Animate Neuter Note: Plurals for neuter n-stems, unlike descendant paradigms, were formed using the collective form *h₁néh₃mō, which is declined akin to the masculine n-stems (except that the nominative, accusative, and vocative forms were merged).
2021-6-14 07:122 楼(回复 1 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  r-stems:
The r-stems are dominantly masculine/feminine nouns with an invariant root. Many of them belong to nouns denoting family relations – *ph 2 tēr ‘father’ (p. 46), *meh 2 tēr ‘mother’ (p. 45), *d h ugh 2 tēr
2021-6-14 07:183 楼(回复 2 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 111.33.25.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [3]王庆浩   2021-6-7 08:13
回复  名词的一般构词形式是R+S+E,后缀派生词素的角色,尾缀有着屈折词素的角色
2021-6-7 08:161 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  回复王庆浩
2021-6-7 08:212 楼(回复 1 楼) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  PIE 还有一类单音节 athematic 或所谓的“词根名词”,它们缺乏派生后缀,尾缀直接增加到词根上(比如*dóm-s,得出自*dem-“build”)。这些名词也可以解释为有空后缀或没有语音体 (*dóm-Ø-s)。
2021-6-7 08:223 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
回复  主要和次要派生
2021-6-7 08:234 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 220.114.68.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [2]王庆浩   2021-6-6 16:49
-s- 词缀位于词根和人称结尾之间是典型刻画不定过去时的标记;体貌切换词缀的例子包括 -éye/o, sk'e/o 和鼻音中缀,它们都用来从非现在体貌动词导出现在时和未完成时动词。
例如,含义为“stand”的基本词 *steh₂- 是词根不定过去体貌;因此这个词在自己的缺省体貌中有含义“come to a standing position, to rise from a sitting position”。为了谈论现在体貌的“standing”,持续性含义(“be in a standing position”),词根不定过体貌需要一个派生标记来把它变成未完成性体貌。最常用的这种体貌切换子是重复(cf. 希腊语 ἵστημι,梵语 tíṣṭhati),尽管日耳曼语提示了至少在晚期的时候鼻音中缀或后缀也用于这个词根(哥德语现在时 ik standa vs. 过去时 ik stot)。
IP: 220.114.68.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [1]王庆浩   2021-6-6 16:25
回复  什么是体貌
体 是词义, 是本身内在的客观属性
貌 是语义体与其他句子成分和语法因素互相作用的呈现的结果
体 所揭示的是 动态与静态, 有终与无终 或 瞬时与延续
貌 所揭示的是 完成与未完成
2021-6-6 16:381 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复

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