

三套车 Вот мчится тройка почтовая

已有 3507 次阅读 2016-3-24 07:57 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| 三套车, Вот, мчится, тройка, почтовая

 俄罗斯民歌 三套车  Вот мчится тройка почтовая    

There Flies the Mail Coach, That's racing triple post   Русская народная песня- Russian folk song  

  vocal-163  vocal-fem   vocal-2   qiqige   忠实译版  more-kuwo   more-rus.

Вот мчится тройка почтовая
That's racing triple post
По Волге-матушке зимой.
The Volga-mother in the winter.
Ямщик, уныло напевая,
Coachman, sadly singing
Качает буйной головой.  
Violent shaking his head.
There flies the mail coach   Along Mother Volga in the snow.
The coachman, forlornly singing, Rocks his head wildly

“О чем задумался, детина?
"What are you thinking, lad? -
Седок приветливо спросил:
Rider friendly asked: -
Какая на сердце кручина/get hold?
What is at the heart of grief?
Скажи, тебя кто огорчил/grieve?”
Tell me who you upset?
"About what've you fallen to thinking, lad? -The passenger attentively asked. -
What's gotten a hold of your heart,Tell me, what's grieving you so?

“Ах, милый барин, добрый барин!
"Ah, my dear sir, kind sir! милый-dear барин-man,
Уж скоро год, как я люблю.
Already nearly a year, as I like.скоро-soon
А нехристь староста-татарин *
нехристь 异教徒 староста-татарин -鞑靼dada /elder heathen异教徒 Tartar.  староста  组长;领班.  
Меня журит , а я терплю.
Chides me, and I endure it.   журит 责备, терплю-endure.
Ах, милый барин, скоро святки,
Ah, my dear sir, soon yuletide 圣诞节,
А ей не быть уже моей;
And she does not already be mine;
Богатый выбрал, да постылый,
Rich chose, so hateful,
Ей не видать отрадных/веселых/ дней”.
She does not see gay days.
Akh, good man, it's Yule-tide soon,And now she is not to be mine,
A rich man chose her, a hateful man -She'll not see joyful days.."

Ямщик умолк и кнут ременный
The driver stopped and the belt whip , умолк静下来 ,кнут鞭 ,ременный皮带
С голицей за пояс заткнул.
He thrust vexedly 烦恼 over his belt.пояс腰带 ,заткнул塞入.
“Родные… Стой, неугомонны!”
"родной ,native/用作呼语)亲爱的,可爱的 ... Wait, restless烦躁不安"
Сказал, сам горестно вздохнул.
Said he bitterly sighed. горестно悲哀
The coachman fell silent and his leather knout  
He thrust vexedly
烦恼 over his belt.
"Stop! You restless brothers! --He said, sighing sorrowfully himself.

По мне лошадушки взгрустнутся
"My swift horses will grieve over me, лошадушки快马,взгрустнутся忧伤起来
Расставшись, борзые, со мной,
Расставшись分手, борзые 快马, со мной,with me/ борзый  борз, 旧〉敏捷(马). ~ конь快马
А мне уж больше не промчатся
уж-so ,больше/more ,промчатся/dash猛冲.  No longer will they dash ,
По Волге-Матуршке зимой!"
"My swift horses will grieve over me, On our parting.
No longer will they dash  Along the Mother Volga in winter!"

* староста应指驿站长或指管束驿车夫的工头或领班/ сельский ~(俄国革命前的)村长.~ класса(中小学的)班长/  старо...(复合词前一部分)表示“古”、“老”、“旧”等

There Flies the Mail Coach

There flies the mail coach
Along Mother Volga in the snow.
The coachman, forlornly singing,
Rocks his head wildly.

"About what've you fallen to thinking, lad? -
The passenger attentively asked. -
What's gotten a hold of your heart,
Tell me, what's grieving you so?

"Akh, dear man, good man

It's nearly a year since I've been in love,
A pagan Tatar elder
Chides me, and I endure it.

Akh, good man, it's Yule-tide soon,
And now she is not to be mine,
A rich man chose her, a hateful man --
She'll not see joyful days.."

The coachman fell silent and his leather knout
He thrust vexedly over his belt.
"Stop! You restless brothers! --
He said, sighing sorrowfully himself.

"My swift horses will grieve over me,
On our parting.
No longer will they dash
Along the Mother Volga in winter!"














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