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  • 南京信息工程大学,教授

    • 地球科学->大气科学->气候学与气候系统

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已有 189352 人来访过

Ubuntu备份与还原 2015-09-24
sudo tar cvpzf Ubuntu.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/Ubuntu.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/sys --exclude=/dev / ...
Histogram with superimposed fitted normal density. 2014-01-29
function varargout = histfit2(data,nbins,dist,ploton) %HISTFIT Histogram with superimposed fitted normal density. %   HISTFIT(DATA,NBINS) plots ...
Read arcgrid daily rainfall from CMA into matlab and netcdf 2013-12-29
# Linux ls -a > filelist.txt # matlab clear; fid = fopen('filelist.txt','r+'); nday = 18993; % number of files rain=nan(72,128 ...
Instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation based on Two-step me 2013-12-25
function IF=two_step_IF(x,fs,win,df,overlap,start,tol) % Instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation based on Two-step method % introduced in: % % "A ...
submit modis LAI job on server 2013-12-13
To submit: chmod u+x modis.sh nohup ./modis.sh & To kill: ps -ef | grep modis.sh (will get: wanggj    20517  20101 ...
Modis LAI for Africa 2013-12-13
tar -xvf global_30s_2000.tar tar -xvf global_30s_2001.tar tar -xvf global_30s_2002.tar tar -xvf global_30s_2003.tar tar -xvf global_30s_2004.tar ...



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